Louisville Beauty Academy: Nurturing a Family of Professionals Committed to Excellence and Compassion

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we pride ourselves on being more than just a beauty school. We are a close-knit family of over 1,000 graduates who have gone on to become salon owners, beauty professionals, and leaders in the industry. Our state-licensed and state-accredited institution fosters a supportive environment where students and alumni continuously uplift and encourage one another throughout their careers.

A Culture of Positivity and Collaboration

From the moment students step through our doors, they are immersed in a culture that emphasizes the importance of positivity, helpfulness, and the ability to inject positive energy into everything they do. Our curriculum goes beyond the technical skills required to excel in hair, nails, skincare, eyelash extensions, and more. We instill values that are crucial for success and collaboration in all aspects of life, particularly in human services.

Teaching the Key to Success

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we believe that success is not merely about obtaining a license; it’s about becoming a valuable and compassionate member of society. Our educators emphasize the importance of:

  • Being a Value: We teach our students to recognize their intrinsic worth and to constantly strive to add value to the lives of others through their work.
  • Being Helpful: Our students learn the significance of helping others, understanding that true success is achieved when we lift others up and support them in their journeys.
  • Radiating Positive Energy: We encourage our students to maintain a positive attitude and to be a source of light and encouragement for those around them.

Beyond Licensing: Love and Care

Our commitment extends beyond equipping students with the skills to pass licensing exams. We emphasize the importance of love and care in their professional and personal lives. In the beauty industry, where we often serve individuals who may not be able to care for themselves as effectively—such as people with disabilities and our loving elders—it is vital to approach each service with compassion and empathy.

Serving on a Vast Scale

Winning in the beauty industry is about more than individual success. It is about being capable of serving a wide range of clients with dedication and excellence. Our graduates are trained to approach their work with a servant’s heart, ensuring that they provide the highest level of care and attention to every client they encounter.

Building a Community of Care

We are incredibly proud of our graduates who have carried these values into their careers. They exemplify what it means to be part of the Louisville Beauty Academy family. Whether they are running their own salons or working as beauty professionals, they continue to embody the principles of value, helpfulness, and positive energy that we hold dear.

Our community is strengthened by the bonds formed during their time at the academy, and these relationships extend far beyond graduation. We support each other through every challenge and celebrate every success, knowing that together, we can achieve greatness.


Louisville Beauty Academy is not just a place to learn; it is a place to grow, both professionally and personally. We are committed to nurturing individuals who will make a positive impact in the beauty industry and in their communities. Our students and graduates are a testament to the power of love, care, and collaboration in creating a successful and fulfilling career.

Join us at Louisville Beauty Academy, where we transform lives through education, compassion, and a commitment to excellence. Together, we can make a difference, one client at a time.

A Thank You Note from Di Tran, Founder of Louisville Beauty Academy

As the founder of Louisville Beauty Academy, I am deeply grateful for the dedication and passion of our students, staff, and graduates. Our mission is to serve others with love and compassion, and it brings me immense happiness to see this reflected in our community.

Inspired by Stoic philosophy, I believe true happiness lies in serving others. Remember, when someone is angry with you, it often stems from their own pain and turmoil. It is not a reflection of you. Understand their struggle, pray for them, bless them with a smile, and walk away with love. As Marcus Aurelius said, “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

Thank you for being part of our family and for embodying these values in your work and life.

With gratitude,

Di Tran
Founder, Louisville Beauty Academy

Curtis Nelson III: Redefining Beauty and Leadership in Nail Technology as a Black Man

Louisville Beauty Academy: Empowering Beauty Through Diversity and Inclusivity

Founded just seven years ago, Louisville Beauty Academy has rapidly risen to become a beacon of excellence in beauty education in Kentucky. With two bustling campuses and an impressive graduation rate exceeding 90%, the academy stands out not only for its academic success but also for its profound commitment to inclusivity, affordability, and creating a nurturing environment. Graduating over 1,000 students, Louisville Beauty Academy boasts one of the highest graduation rates in the state, if not the highest, while remaining one of the most affordable beauty colleges in Kentucky.

At the heart of Louisville Beauty Academy is a mission to bridge the gap in the beauty talent pool, providing unparalleled opportunities for underrepresented populations, including those with limited English proficiency, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. The academy’s family-oriented, caring, and loving environment ensures that every student feels at home and supported in their pursuit of a beauty career.

Celebrating Curtis Nelson III: A Trailblazer at Louisville Beauty Academy

Among the many inspiring stories at Louisville Beauty Academy is that of Curtis Nelson III. Curtis, the first Black man to attend the school, has left an indelible mark on both his peers and the academy’s founder, Di Tran. Struck by Curtis’s professionalism, positive attitude, and unwavering care for others, Di Tran believes Curtis embodies the very essence of what Louisville Beauty Academy stands for. Curtis’s journey is not just a personal triumph but a testament to the academy’s mission to foster an inclusive and empowering environment for all.

Embracing Masculinity and Beauty

In American culture, beauty is often a term not readily associated with heterosexual men. It is seen as taboo and feminine, creating an implicit barrier that limits men’s freedom to embrace their own beauty. Curtis Nelson III is on a mission to change that narrative. Through his work and business, Curtis aims to promote a culture where men are allowed to be heterosexual and masculine while also embracing concepts of beauty.

“My work and business will empower men to be masculine and beautiful, just as they are free to be in many other countries,” Curtis explains. “Men should be free to be beautiful without being automatically viewed implicitly or explicitly as feminine.”

Promoting Diversity in the Beauty Industry

Curtis’s vision extends beyond individual empowerment. As a nail industry entrepreneur and beauty professional, he is dedicated to promoting more Black men to freely choose careers within the various beauty industries. His work celebrates all cultures and acknowledges the significant contributions of Black, Vietnamese, and White women towards the development of the global nail industry.

“My work and business will celebrate all cultures and the contributions of Black, Vietnamese, and White women towards the development of the global nail industry,” Curtis states proudly.

A Spiritual Space of Ambiance

Louisville Beauty Academy and Curtis’s business share a common goal: to provide a spiritual space of ambiance where women are respected and treated as team members, collaborators, and beauty professionals. This ethos is central to the academy’s family-oriented approach, ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, finds a supportive and empowering environment.


Louisville Beauty Academy is not just a beauty school; it is a transformative institution that champions diversity, inclusivity, and the celebration of beauty in all its forms. Through the inspiring journey of Curtis Nelson III and the academy’s unwavering commitment to its mission, Louisville Beauty Academy continues to set the standard for beauty education in Kentucky. As it looks to the future, the academy remains dedicated to empowering its students, bridging the talent gap, and fostering a culture where beauty knows no bounds.

Embracing Lifelong Learning: Milady and Louisville Beauty Academy Collaborate to Elevate Beauty Education

Louisville, Kentucky – The Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-licensed beauty college, has recently made significant strides in advancing beauty education through collaboration with Milady, a leading provider of beauty education content and resources. This partnership highlights the academy’s commitment to continuous learning, professional development, and maintaining a cutting-edge curriculum that prepares students for successful careers in the beauty industry.

A Commitment to Excellence and Lifelong Learning

Di Tran, Founder and President of Louisville Beauty Academy, is not only a seasoned educator but also an accomplished author of a series of books focused on beauty, education, and personal development. His dedication to lifelong learning is evident in his active participation in industry events and collaborations with key content creators like Milady.

The recent “Let the Collaboration Begin” event, hosted by Milady, brought together 30 beauty school owners and over 30 directors from across the nation. Di Tran’s involvement in this event underscores his commitment to staying at the forefront of beauty education and continuously improving the academy’s offerings.

Enhancing Educational Standards Through Collaboration

By engaging with Milady’s content creators and industry experts, Louisville Beauty Academy aims to integrate the latest trends, techniques, and best practices into its curriculum. This collaboration ensures that students receive a comprehensive and up-to-date education that prepares them for the dynamic and evolving beauty industry.

The academy’s participation in such high-profile events demonstrates its dedication to professional development, not just for its students, but also for its educators. Learning from industry leaders and incorporating their insights into the academy’s programs helps maintain high educational standards and fosters a culture of excellence.

Boosting the Image of Continuous Learning

The partnership with Milady also serves to enhance the image of Louisville Beauty Academy as a hub of continuous learning and professional growth. Prospective students, current students, and graduates can take pride in being part of an institution that values education and is committed to providing the best resources and opportunities for success.

Di Tran’s dual role as an educator and author further solidifies the academy’s reputation. His books provide additional learning materials and insights, emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning and personal development. This multifaceted approach to education ensures that students are well-prepared for their careers and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the beauty industry.

Building a Stronger Community

The collaboration between Milady and Louisville Beauty Academy extends beyond the classroom. It reflects a broader commitment to community engagement and development. By fostering relationships with other beauty schools and industry leaders, the academy contributes to the growth and advancement of the beauty education community at large.

This partnership also highlights the academy’s role in the local community, building trust and pride among residents and stakeholders. It positions Louisville Beauty Academy as a leading institution that not only educates but also inspires and empowers individuals to achieve their full potential.


The collaboration between Milady and Louisville Beauty Academy marks a significant milestone in beauty education. It showcases the academy’s dedication to continuous improvement, professional development, and providing top-notch education to its students. Through this partnership, Louisville Beauty Academy reaffirms its position as a leader in the beauty education field, committed to fostering a culture of lifelong learning and excellence.

Di Tran: Elevating Futures at duPont Manual High School Career Fair

At the recent duPont Manual High School Career Fair, Di Tran and his institutions—Louisville Beauty Academy and Kentucky Pharmacy—were among the distinguished participants, standing side-by-side with notable schools such as Brown School, Central High School, Grace James Academy of Excellence, Shawnee High School, Waggener High School, and W.E.B. DuBois Academy. This gathering at Kentucky’s top-ranked high school was not just a display of educational opportunities but a beacon of inspiration and guidance for students charting their future paths.

Expressing his gratitude, Di Tran thanked the principal, assistant principal, and the entire Manual High School team for their exceptional organization and hospitality. “The warm welcome from the Manual school community, including the students, staff, and volunteers, was truly heartening,” said Tran, reflecting on the event’s success.

Louisville Beauty Academy, known for its dedication to affordability and flexibility, demonstrated once again why it is a leader in beauty education in Kentucky. Di Tran is especially proud of how the academy supports students who juggle their education with pursuing careers in beauty, often concurrently studying at other colleges. This model of education not only provides practical skills but also instills a sense of responsibility and time management, crucial traits for successful professionals.

At the career fair, Di Tran was not only promoting his academy and pharmacy but also engaging with students, offering advice and sharing insights into the realities of starting and managing a small business. He emphasized the importance of beginning with small, manageable goals, a philosophy he has lived by and which has guided him through his entrepreneurial journey.

The presence of Louisville Beauty Academy and Kentucky Pharmacy at the career fair highlights Di Tran’s commitment to community involvement and education. These institutions are not just places of learning; they are hubs of community engagement and development, dedicated to empowering students and community members alike.

For those inspired to explore a career in beauty or to learn more about the unique blend of healthcare and customer service offered by Kentucky Pharmacy, Di Tran encourages direct engagement. “Interested in joining our community at Louisville Beauty Academy? Text our enrollment department now at 502-625-5531 to get started!” he announced, inviting more individuals to discover their potential and pursue their dreams.

Through events like the duPont Manual High School Career Fair, Di Tran continues to impact lives, proving that with the right guidance and opportunities, anyone can say, “Yes, I can” and transform their aspirations into achievements.

Di Tran: Inspiring Futures at Ballard High School Career Day

Amid the bustling excitement of Ballard High School’s Career Day, where over 60 vendors and colleges gathered to guide the next generation, Di Tran stood prominently as a pillar of inspiration and practical wisdom. Representing both Louisville Beauty Academy and Kentucky Pharmacy, Di shared his dual passions: providing accessible beauty education and delivering health care with a personalized touch.

As the founder of Kentucky’s most affordable state-licensed beauty college and a local pharmacy known for its free delivery service, Di Tran brings a unique blend of entrepreneurship and community service to the table. His presence at Ballard High School was not just about promoting these ventures but also about engaging directly with students to light a spark of entrepreneurial spirit in them.

During the event, Di was thrilled to introduce another facet of his extensive career—his authorship of 24 books available on Amazon. These books cover a wide range of topics, focusing particularly on the nuances of launching and managing a small business. The students showed keen interest, promising to dive into his writings, which are designed to educate and inspire budding entrepreneurs.

Di’s talks at the Career Day emphasized the importance of starting small in business. He often says, “Even if it’s just earning a penny, ten cents, or a dollar each day, every small step counts.” This philosophy resonates especially with young individuals at the threshold of their careers, reinforcing that gradual and consistent efforts lead to success. His approach demystifies the process of becoming an entrepreneur, making it accessible and achievable for everyone.

The “Yes, I Can” attitude that Di champions at Louisville Beauty Academy was palpable as he spoke to the students at Ballard High. He encouraged them to adopt a mindset that views every challenge as an opportunity and every small success as a stepping stone to greater achievements. His engagement was not just about educating but also about instilling confidence, a crucial ingredient for any successful career.

The event also highlighted the “I Have Done It” Certificate that graduates from the Louisville Beauty Academy receive—a testament to their hard work and perseverance. Di Tran used this as a symbol of what students can achieve with determination and the right guidance. It served as a powerful motivator for students considering their future paths, whether in beauty, healthcare, or entrepreneurship.

Di Tran’s participation in the Ballard High School Career Day was a celebration of potential and possibility. It was an affirmation of his commitment to empowering young minds, enlightening them about opportunities, and supporting them as they explore their aspirations. His dedication to service and community involvement exemplifies the profound impact that one individual can have on the lives of many, inspiring students to pursue their passions and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Di Tran: A Beacon of Service and Opportunity at Louisville Beauty Academy

In the heart of Kentucky, a visionary leader is redefining what it means to educate and empower the next generation. Di Tran, founder of the Louisville Beauty Academy, is a testament to the power of service and the belief in lifting others one small act at a time. Under his leadership, the academy has not only become the most affordable state-licensed beauty college in Kentucky but also a vibrant community force, embodying the spirit of “Yes, I Can” with every graduate it produces.

Di Tran’s journey is one of relentless dedication and a deep commitment to service. Having founded the Louisville Beauty Academy, Tran has been at the forefront, not just in administrative roles but personally engaging with students and the community. His presence at events, big and small, from high school career fairs to local community gatherings, shows his belief in being ‘out there’—a tangible presence igniting hope and possibilities among young minds.

Tran’s philosophy of “one lift one” permeates every aspect of the academy’s operations. He has built an environment where each student is not only seen and heard but is also taught the importance of supporting others. This approach has cultivated a nurturing atmosphere where students thrive, bolstered by the support of their peers and mentors alike.

At the Louisville Beauty Academy, education goes beyond imparting technical skills. Di Tran has instilled a “Yes, I Can” mentality, which is not just a motivational slogan but a foundational principle of the curriculum. This mindset encourages students to overcome personal and professional obstacles, fostering a culture of resilience and possibility. It’s about showing students that with the right attitude and support, they can achieve their dreams.

The culmination of this educational journey is the “I Have Done It” Certificate—a symbol of accomplishment and a testament to the hard work each graduate has invested. This certificate is more than just a piece of paper; it’s a passport to new opportunities and a reminder of what they have achieved through their perseverance and the supportive environment at the academy.

With over 1,000 alumni and counting, the Louisville Beauty Academy is a bustling hub where future beauty professionals are born. Each graduate leaves not just with skills but with a service-oriented mindset, ready to make a difference in their communities. Di Tran’s vision ensures that these graduates are not only well-prepared to excel in their careers but are also ambassadors of the academy’s core values—service, opportunity, and community engagement.

Di Tran lives and breathes the mission of the Louisville Beauty Academy. His life’s work is a powerful narrative of service, showing that with each small act of kindness and each student empowered, significant change is possible. As the academy continues to grow, its impact resonates through Kentucky and beyond, proving that when you live to serve, the possibilities are endless.

Who is Di Tran? Exploring the Life and Books of a Prolific Author and our Founder of Louisville Beauty Academy

Di Tran, the visionary founder of Louisville Beauty Academy, is not only a leader in education but also a prolific author. His online author page boasts a collection of over 10 books, covering a diverse range of topics including life, business, beauty, spirituality, and more.

Di Tran’s journey is as remarkable as it is inspiring. Born in Vietnam, he immigrated to the United States with his family in 1995, facing the challenges of a new country and culture. Despite these obstacles, Di Tran pursued higher education, earning degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, and later pursuing a PhD(ABD) in IT Management.

His entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish the Louisville Beauty Academy in 2016, a testament to his commitment to empowering individuals through education. The academy has since helped hundreds of students secure employment in the beauty industry.

In addition to his work in education, Di Tran is a dedicated advocate for immigrant communities and diversity. He has run for political office, aiming to amplify the voices of immigrants, particularly those from Asian communities like his own. He also co-chairs various Diversity and Inclusion boards and committees, including the Louisville Independent Business Alliance and the Rotary Club of Louisville.

Di Tran’s books are a reflection of his deep-rooted values and experiences, offering insightful perspectives on personal growth, professional development, and spiritual enlightenment. Whether you’re seeking practical advice for navigating life’s challenges or looking to expand your knowledge in the beauty industry, Di Tran’s books provide valuable insights and inspiration.

His books are not just about imparting knowledge; they are a testament to his unwavering commitment to empower and uplift others. Through his writing, Di Tran shares his journey, wisdom, and lessons learned, encouraging readers to pursue their dreams with passion and purpose.

Discover the transformative power of Di Tran’s books by visiting his author page online. With new titles regularly added to his collection, there’s always something inspiring to explore. Dive into Di Tran’s world of words and let his wisdom guide you on your own journey of personal and professional growth.

Here is a list of Di Tran’s books along with brief descriptions

  1. Drop the “ME” and Focus on the “OTHERS”: The Power of Gratitude – A book that explores the transformative power of gratitude and its impact on personal and professional life.
  2. ABC of Empowerment: Affirmations for a Bright and Confident Future – A guide to cultivating gratitude and growth through daily affirmations.
  3. The Healing Power of Beauty Services – Explores the therapeutic potential of beauty services in mental wellness.
  4. Simple English Communication for Beauty Professionals – A visual guide to effective communication for beauty professionals.
  5. Serving: The Foundation of a Fulfilling Life – A book that emphasizes the importance of serving others in finding fulfillment.
  6. Effective Communication in the Salon Environment – A guide for beauty professionals on effective communication in the salon.
  7. FEEL IT: Embracing Life’s Spectrum Through the Soul’s Expansion – Explores embracing life’s spectrum through spiritual growth.
  8. Zero Judgement: The Path to a Fulfilling Life – A guide to living a fulfilling life by letting go of judgment.
  9. Humanization: A Journey to the Core of Being – Explores the journey to the core of one’s being.
  10. CARE: The Foundation of Action – A book that emphasizes the importance of care in taking action.
  11. BELIEF: Unleashing the Infinite Power of Belief – A journey to purpose and fulfillment through the power of belief.
  12. Mastering the Craft: A Journey to Professional Nail Technician – A comprehensive guide to building a rewarding career as a nail technician.
  13. Drop the FEAR and Focus on the FAITH – A guide to embracing change and unleashing potential through faith.
  14. My God is my PEACE – A journey to finding spiritual center in a chaotic world.
  15. Mastering the Art of Microblading – A comprehensive guide for professionals and enthusiasts in the art of microblading.
  16. Louisville Beauty Academy Student Catalog – A catalog of courses and programs offered at Louisville Beauty Academy.
  17. The Complete Guide to Eyelash Extensions – A comprehensive guide to artistry, safety, and business essentials for building a lashing career.
  18. Beauty Business Brilliance – A comprehensive marketing guide for salon owners and beauty professionals.
  19. Value in Every Letter – An alphabetical guide to business and beyond.
  20. Nailed It! A Handbook for Nail Technicians – A step-by-step practical guide for professional nail services.
  21. Grateful Echoes: ABC Affirmations and Artful Prayers for Young Souls – ABC affirmations and prayers for young souls.
  22. The Robotic Labyrinth: A Tran Family Adventure – A journey through faith, unity, and the wonders of discovery.
  23. Guiding Lights: A Journey of Courage, Compassion, and Faith – Discovering enduring bonds and timeless wisdom amidst life’s convolution.
  24. The Great Candy Kingdom Adventure: Timmy’s Sweet Quest – A journey to the sugar-coated realm of the Candy Kingdom.

These books cover a wide range of topics, from personal development to professional skills, making them valuable resources for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and improve their life.


Here are the updated references for Di Tran:

  1. Jewish Family & Career Services Louisville: https://jfcslouisville.org/mosaic-award-recipient-di-tran/
  2. Today’s Woman Magazine Article: https://www.todayswomannow.com/track-to-salon/
  3. Spectrum News 1 on Laws for the Beauty Industry: https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/04/05/laws-for-the-beauty-industry
  4. Spectrum News 1 on Changes to the State Cosmetology Board: https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/politics/2024/02/06/changes-to-the-state-cosmetology-board-could-be-coming
  5. Louisville Business Journal on Startup Hiring: https://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/inno/stories/profiles/2023/03/28/di-train-miahire-startup-hiring-job-applicants.html
  6. Louisville Business Journal Family Business Awards: https://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/news/2021/05/18/family-business-awards-di-tran.html
  7. LouisvilleKY.gov Announcement: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/KYLOUISVILLE/bulletins/2da0b15?reqfrom=share
  8. Ballotpedia Profile: https://ballotpedia.org/Di_Tran
  9. University of Louisville 2021 Family Business Center Awards: https://business.louisville.edu/2021fbcawards/
  10. MoxieTalk Interview: https://moxietalk.com/episodes/di-tran/
  11. Tops Louisville Magazine Feature: https://louisvillebeautyacademy.net/tops-louisville-magazine-thanksgiving-back-vy-di-tran-feature-as-two-of-four-individuals-who-overcame-hardships-and-now-give-back-to-their-community/
  12. New American Business Association on Di Tran Bourbon: https://naba4u.org/2023/12/belief-in-a-bottle-di-tran-bourbons-limited-edition-release/
  13. New American Business Association on Di Tran Bourbon (repeated): https://naba4u.org/2023/12/belief-in-a-bottle-di-tran-bourbons-limited-edition-release/
  14. YouTube Video Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDxVJIleVsk

These references provide a comprehensive overview of Di Tran’s achievements, community engagements, and media presence.

Louisville Beauty Academy - Mental and Physical Wellness

Louisville Beauty Academy: Where Beauty Education Transcends into Therapy

Louisville Beauty Academy stands out as a beacon of excellence in the realm of beauty education. As a Kentucky state-licensed and state-accredited beauty college, it offers a comprehensive array of beauty programs, including Nail Technology, Hair, Skincare, Shampoo and Styling, Instructor training, Eyelash Extension, and Microblading. What sets this academy apart is its founder, Di Tran, who envisions the beauty industry as not just about enhancing outer beauty but also about nurturing inner well-being.

With a chain of nail salons under his belt, Di Tran has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of beauty services, particularly nail services like manicures and pedicures. These services are not just about grooming; they are about creating a space for physical and mental rejuvenation. In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, where stress and anxiety are commonplace, nail services have emerged as a form of therapy, offering a moment of respite and relaxation.

What makes nail services unique is the human touch involved. Unlike other beauty services where tools or machines are used, nail services require direct contact with another human being. This physical connection goes beyond mere grooming; it fosters a sense of connection and shared energy. As professionals and clients engage in nail services, they communicate not just through words but also through body language and spiritual energy, creating a holistic experience that nurtures both the body and the soul.

Recent studies have also shed light on the therapeutic benefits of nail services. Researchers have found that the act of receiving a manicure or pedicure can reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. The touch involved in these services triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of bonding and reduces stress levels. Moreover, the act of caring for one’s nails can instill a sense of self-care and empowerment, boosting one’s confidence and overall well-being.

At Louisville Beauty Academy, students are not just trained to perform beauty services; they are trained to understand the profound impact these services can have on an individual’s mental and physical health. The academy’s curriculum goes beyond technical skills, emphasizing the importance of empathy, communication, and creating a nurturing environment for clients.

In conclusion, Louisville Beauty Academy stands as a testament to the transformative power of beauty education. Through its holistic approach to beauty training, it is shaping a new generation of beauty professionals who understand that beauty is not just skin deep; it is a profound form of therapy that can uplift and rejuvenate both the body and the soul.



Louisville Beauty Academy: Un Faro de Inclusividad y Excelencia, Celebrando la Cobertura de Spectrum News y la Aprobación Unánime del Proyecto de Ley del Senado 14

Louisville, KY – En el corazón del panorama educativo de belleza de Kentucky se encuentra Louisville Beauty Academy, una academia de belleza con licencia estatal y acreditada que está expandiendo rápidamente su alcance. Con un segundo campus en el horizonte y una tasa de graduación del 95%, la academia ya ha graduado a más de 1,000 estudiantes, estableciéndose como un faro de excelencia en la industria.

Fundada por Di Tran, un visionario con una profunda creencia en valores orientados a la familia y el mejoramiento comunitario, Louisville Beauty Academy es más que solo una escuela. Es un santuario donde las poblaciones subrepresentadas, especialmente los nuevos inmigrantes con habilidades limitadas en inglés, encuentran un ambiente seguro, de apoyo y guiado. La academia se dedica a elevar a las personas a través de carreras en belleza, asegurando que cada graduado, independientemente de su origen, se sienta protegido y valorado.

Esta semana, Spectrum News de Louisville arrojó luz sobre la naturaleza diversa e inclusiva de la academia, destacando a su fundador, instructores y estudiantes. La cobertura resaltó la experiencia de la escuela en varios campos de belleza, incluyendo tecnología de uñas, cuidado de la piel, cosmetología y formación de instructores. Louisville Beauty Academy se destaca como un testimonio del poder de la diversidad, con estudiantes y personal que representan una amplia gama de razas, idiomas y experiencias.

Entre los estudiantes entrevistados por Spectrum News se encuentra Diana Vega, una estudiante de la comunidad latina que destaca en el programa de técnico de uñas. Su presencia y éxito en la academia reflejan el compromiso de Louisville Beauty Academy con la inclusión y el apoyo a todas las comunidades.

El reciente paso del Proyecto de Ley del Senado 14, que la academia ha apoyado ardientemente, marca un hito significativo en la historia de la industria de la belleza. Abogado por el senador demócrata de la minoría Reggie Thomas, uno de los únicos tres senadores negros en el Senado del Estado de Kentucky, el proyecto de ley fue percibido inicialmente como dirigido únicamente a la comunidad asiática. Sin embargo, es una legislación para todos, con el objetivo de crear una industria de la belleza más inclusiva y equitativa.

Louisville Beauty Academy es única en su compromiso de satisfacer las demandas y necesidades de la comunidad. A diferencia de muchas escuelas que se centran principalmente en cosmetología debido a la disponibilidad de ayuda financiera federal, la academia ofrece una amplia gama de campos con licencia, incluidos técnico de uñas, esteticista, cosmetólogo, instructor, champú y estilista, extensión de pestañas y más. Al ofrecer programas cortos, la academia ayuda a más personas a embarcarse en carreras exitosas en belleza.

Extendemos nuestra más sincera gratitud a todos los que han apoyado y continúan apoyando la industria de la belleza, Louisville Beauty Academy y todos los profesionales de la belleza. Juntos, estamos forjando un futuro más brillante para el panorama educativo de belleza en Kentucky.



Louisville Beauty Academy: A Beacon of Inclusivity and Excellence, Celebrating Spectrum News Coverage and the Unanimous Passage of Senate Bill 14

Louisville, KY – At the heart of Kentucky’s beauty education landscape stands the Louisville Beauty Academy, a state-licensed and accredited beauty college that is rapidly expanding its reach. With a second campus on the horizon and a graduation rate of 95%, the academy has already graduated over 1,000 students, establishing itself as a beacon of excellence in the industry.

Founded by Di Tran, a visionary with a deep-seated belief in family-oriented values and community upliftment, Louisville Beauty Academy is more than just a school. It’s a sanctuary where underrepresented populations, particularly new immigrants with limited English skills, find a safe, supportive, and guided environment. The academy is dedicated to elevating individuals through beauty careers, ensuring that every graduate, regardless of their background, feels protected and valued.

This week, Spectrum News of Louisville shone a spotlight on the diverse and inclusive nature of the academy, featuring its founder, instructors, and students. The coverage highlighted the school’s expertise in various beauty fields, including nail technology, skincare, cosmetology, and instructor training. Louisville Beauty Academy stands out as a testament to the power of diversity, with students and staff representing a wide range of races, languages, and expertise.

The recent passage of Senate Bill 14, which the academy has ardently supported, marks a significant milestone in the beauty industry’s history. Championed by minority party Democrat Senator Reggie Thomas, one of only three Black senators in the Kentucky State Senate, the bill was initially perceived as catering solely to the Asian community. However, it is a legislation for all, aiming to create a more inclusive and equitable beauty industry.

Louisville Beauty Academy is unique in its commitment to meeting community demands and needs. Unlike many schools that focus primarily on cosmetology due to federal financial aid availability, the academy offers a wide range of licensed fields, including nail technician, aesthetician, cosmetologist, instructor, shampoo and stylist, eyelash extension, and more. By offering short programs, the academy helps more individuals embark on successful beauty careers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported and continue to support the beauty industry, Louisville Beauty Academy, and all beauty professionals. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for the beauty education landscape in Kentucky.


