Nail Technician Licensing Hours by State: A Comprehensive Guide

Becoming a licensed nail technician is an exciting journey. Each U.S. state sets its own requirements, often measured in hours of education and practice, for earning a nail technician license. This article provides an updated list of the required hours for each of the 50 states and two territories as of September 2021.

It’s important to remember that licensing requirements may change over time, so prospective nail technicians should always verify the current requirements with their local State Board of Cosmetology. Now, let’s dive into the details:

  1. Alabama: Requires 750 hours of training.
  2. Alaska: Requires 350 hours.
  3. Arizona: Mandates 600 hours.
  4. Arkansas: Calls for 600 hours.
  5. California: Requires 400 hours.
  6. Colorado: Necessitates 600 hours.
  7. Connecticut: No specified requirement.
  8. Delaware: Requires 300 hours.
  9. Florida: Requires 240 hours.
  10. Georgia: Needs 525 hours.
  11. Hawaii: Calls for 350 hours.
  12. Idaho: Requires 400 hours.
  13. Illinois: Requires 350 hours.
  14. Indiana: Mandates 450 hours.
  15. Iowa: Requires 325 hours.
  16. Kansas: Calls for 350 hours.
  17. Kentucky: Requires 600 hours Before, Now 450 hours
  18. Louisiana: Necessitates 500 hours.
  19. Maine: Calls for 200 hours.
  20. Maryland: Requires 250 hours.
  21. Massachusetts: Requires 100 hours.
  22. Michigan: Requires 400 hours.
  23. Minnesota: Necessitates 350 hours.
  24. Mississippi: Requires 350 hours.
  25. Missouri: Calls for 400 hours.
  26. Montana: Requires 350 hours.
  27. Nebraska: Requires 300 hours.
  28. Nevada: Mandates 500 hours.
  29. New Hampshire: Requires 300 hours.
  30. New Jersey: Calls for 300 hours.
  31. New Mexico: Requires 350 hours.
  32. New York: Necessitates 250 hours.
  33. North Carolina: Calls for 300 hours.
  34. North Dakota: Requires 350 hours.
  35. Ohio: Requires 200 hours.
  36. Oklahoma: Requires 600 hours.
  37. Oregon: Mandates 350 hours.
  38. Pennsylvania: Requires 200 hours.
  39. Rhode Island: Calls for 300 hours.
  40. South Carolina: Requires 300 hours.
  41. South Dakota: Requires 400 hours.
  42. Tennessee: Mandates 600 hours.
  43. Texas: Requires 600 hours.
  44. Utah: Calls for 300 hours.
  45. Vermont: Requires 400 hours.
  46. Virginia: Requires 150 hours.
  47. Washington: Necessitates 600 hours.
  48. West Virginia: Requires 400 hours.
  49. Wisconsin: Calls for 300 hours.
  50. Wyoming: Requires 400 hours.

In addition to the 50 states, the U.S. also has territories and districts. Here are the requirements for two of them:

  • District of Columbia: Requires 350 hours.
  • Puerto Rico: Requires 250 hours.

In conclusion, becoming a nail technician is an achievable goal, but it does require dedication and a time commitment. Each state’s requirements are different, so it’s crucial to get the most accurate and up-to-date information from your local State Board of Cosmetology. Remember, your journey to becoming a nail technician is not just about meeting the requirements, it’s also about gaining the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this rewarding industry.

Knowledge Sharing from the Trenches: Navigating the 2023 Beauty License Renewal Process

Hello fellow beauty professionals,

We’ve always been a community of resilience and adaptability. Whether it’s mastering the latest hair coloring technique, acing the perfect manicure, or troubleshooting a new skincare product, we’re constantly learning and growing. Today, I’d like to share some knowledge about the 2023 Beauty License renewal process that we’re all currently navigating.

On July 3rd, 2023, the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology (KYBOC) announced that they had resolved a system error that affected the brand new licensing management system. Implemented with the aim to simplify the renewal process, this new system can be accessed at As many of you might be aware, this system faced an error during the initial days of the renewal period (July 1-3), which has now been rectified.

If you haven’t yet received your access code for your license renewal, please email the KY State Board immediately at [email protected] to request one. This is a crucial first step, and acting promptly will ensure you’re ready to start your renewal process.

The KYBOC is requesting that we email all our questions and concerns to the same address. I know it may seem frustrating, but I assure you that this method of communication will allow the board to address each of our queries effectively. Patience and constructive feedback are key during these times – let’s remember that we’re all in this together!

If you’ve faced any issues, even if they seem minor, it’s important to voice them. Our feedback will help create a record of requests that will assist the board in caring for our concerns accordingly. This open line of communication ensures that our voices are heard and helps improve the process for all beauty professionals in Kentucky.

Now, let’s talk about time. Our renewal window runs from July 1st to July 31st, 2023. Given the initial hiccup, I urge you all to act immediately. Begin the renewal process as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute pressure.

Renewing your license is not just a legal requirement, but it’s also a testament to our commitment to our profession. It demonstrates our dedication to upholding the high standards set by the KYBOC, and our shared goal of nurturing the beauty community in Kentucky.

I understand that change can be daunting, and the adoption of a new system can seem overwhelming. However, let’s view this as an opportunity to grow and adapt, traits that we, as beauty professionals, already possess in abundance.

Remember, we’re not alone in this process. If any of you have concerns or questions about your renewal process, please don’t hesitate to email [email protected]. Our success as professionals is tied to our ability to navigate challenges, and this is just another step in our journey.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. Let’s continue to support each other during these times, ensuring that our vibrant industry continues to flourish in Kentucky.

Stay beautiful and keep shining!

Louisville Beauty Academy - Beauty School Class

Beca Innovadora y Plan de Pago Flexible en la Academia de Belleza de Louisville

La reconocida Academia de Belleza de Louisville ha iniciado una gran beca y un plan de pago flexible para su programa de IA, proporcionando a los estudiantes una excelente oportunidad para sobresalir en la industria de la belleza. El sistema flexible permite la matrícula en cualquier momento y los estudiantes tienen el privilegio de controlar su propio horario. Con más de mil graduados a su nombre, la academia está lista para ayudar a cada vez más personas a iniciar una carrera en la industria de la belleza.

Programas Integrales de Belleza

La Academia ofrece una diversidad de programas que incluyen Tecnología de Uñas, Estética de Belleza, Cosmetología, Instructor de Belleza Certificado, Licencia de Secado y Estilismo, y Certificación de Pestañas. Cada uno de estos programas está meticulosamente diseñado para ofrecer a los estudiantes la mejor educación y experiencia práctica. La academia reconoce a los graduados de escuelas secundarias y universidades extranjeras y facilita la necesaria traducción y validación de diplomas extranjeros.

Becas e Incentivos

La Academia de Belleza de Louisville se enorgullece de su generoso programa de becas, diseñado específicamente para incentivar la asistencia y dedicación a la graduación. Las becas son principalmente para aquellos que han agotado otras opciones como la ayuda financiera federal, beneficios militares, asistencia de rehabilitación vocacional de Kentucky y otras subvenciones. Es importante tener en cuenta que estas becas vienen con responsabilidad. Las becas pueden ser anuladas si los estudiantes no mantienen su asistencia y cumplen con las políticas de la academia.

Un Plan de Pago Flexible

Para aliviar la carga financiera de los estudiantes, la academia ha iniciado una política de plan de pago flexible. Los estudiantes tienen la libertad de pagar cualquier cantidad superior a $100 cada mes, y las tarifas varían según el monto pagado. Cuanto más grande sea el pago mensual, menor será la tarifa mensual. Aquellos que pagan sus tasas en su totalidad en el momento de la matrícula están exentos de tasas mensuales.

Política de Asistencia

La academia cree en la importancia de la asistencia constante para un aprendizaje exitoso. Por lo tanto, sigue los requisitos de la junta estatal de cosmetología de KY de asistencia obligatoria al menos cada dos semanas. Los estudiantes que faltan dos semanas consecutivas están sujetos a la retirada del programa. Si bien la academia ofrece flexibilidad en la programación, fomenta la asistencia regular para los mejores resultados de aprendizaje.

Política para Estudiantes Transferidos

La academia da la bienvenida con calidez a los estudiantes transferidos pero subraya la necesidad de que estén equipados con el mismo nivel de educación que sus contrapartes de tiempo completo. Se solicita a estos estudiantes que compren el Curso CIMA-Online de la academia para la Teoría y los Kits de Herramientas para el aprendizaje práctico. Aunque pueden no ser elegibles para becas o descuentos en libros/kits/tarifas, se les asegura una experiencia de aprendizaje igualmente enriquecedora.

En conclusión, la Academia de Belleza de Louisville está haciendo todo lo posible para asegurar que todos los interesados en una carrera en la belleza puedan seguir sus sueños, independientemente de su situación financiera. Con su vasto programa de becas y plan de pago flexible, la academia realmente hace que la educación sea accesible y asequible. Su adaptabilidad en términos de matrícula y programación ilustra aún más su compromiso con la conveniencia y satisfacción del estudiante. El único obstáculo que se interpone entre los estudiantes prospectivos y su carrera soñada son ellos mismos, lo que hace que el lema de la academia, “no hay excusa sino uno mismo”, sea muy apropiado.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Este documento/artículo proporciona una visión general de los programas y opciones de financiación disponibles en la Academia de Belleza de Louisville. Sin embargo, para obtener la información más precisa y actual sobre precios, planes de pago y opciones de financiación, consulte nuestra página oficial de precios. Actualizamos esta página regularmente para reflejar cualquier cambio y asegurarnos de que tenga la información más precisa. Cualquier discrepancia o diferencia creada en la traducción no es vinculante y no tiene efecto legal para fines de cumplimiento o ejecución. Por favor, no se base únicamente en la información proporcionada en este documento/artículo para tomar decisiones financieras.

A Glimpse into the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology’s New System for 2023: Emphasizing High-Quality ID Images for Successful Renewals

The Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology (KBC) has introduced a new system for 2023, signaling an exciting development for all beauty professionals within the state. While the system is currently available for viewing, it’s important to note that it won’t be open for license renewals until July 1st, 2023. One vital element of this forthcoming renewal process will be the requirement for high-quality images of your state government-issued photo ID, in light of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) validation involved.

Unpacking the AI Validation Aspect of the New System

The new 2023 KBC system leverages the power of AI to automate certain tasks, notably the validation of photo IDs submitted during the renewal process. This advanced technology ensures that the submitted IDs match the official records, upholding the integrity and efficiency of the renewal process. However, the effectiveness of this AI validation hinges significantly on the quality of the submitted images. Simply put, AI cannot successfully validate low-quality images that lack sufficient detail.

Why High-Quality Images Are Essential

The necessity for high-quality images in the 2023 KBC system lies in their role in the AI validation process, and their function as an integral part of your professional licensing. Submitting an image that is clear, well-lit, and obstruction-free not only meets the system’s requirements but also guarantees an accurate representation of your professional identity.

Here are some tips for ensuring your image is high-quality:

  • Prioritize good lighting: Ensure the photo is clear of shadows or glares that could obscure essential details.
  • Maintain high resolution: An image should be sharp and defined, as low-resolution images can lead to unclear or pixelated ID photos.
  • Keep it obstruction-free: There should be no hindrances blocking any part of the photo or ID information.

Navigating the Renewal Process Smoothly

Submitting an unsuitable photo can lead to the rejection of your renewal application, and any rectification made after the July 31, 11:59 pm renewal deadline will incur extra restoration fees. Avoid these unnecessary hassles by providing a high-quality image of your ID from the get-go.

Wrapping Up

The forthcoming 2023 license renewal period with the KBC marks an exciting time for Kentucky’s beauty industry professionals. By understanding the central role of AI validation and high-quality ID images in the new system, you can pave the way for a smooth and successful renewal process. The future of professional beauty licensing is tech-enhanced, efficient, and user-friendly, and it’s set to elevate Kentucky’s beauty industry standards to new heights.

Louisville Beauty Academy - Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology - Law

Navigating Cosmetology Inspections: Understanding the Triggers and Importance of Clarity

The beauty industry is governed by a robust regulatory framework, ensuring high standards of hygiene, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Central to this is the State Board of Cosmetology, which routinely conducts inspections of salons and beauty schools to maintain these standards. Understanding the triggers for these inspections and the importance of knowing the reasons behind them is paramount for every salon owner and professional in the industry.

Triggers for Inspections by the State Board of Cosmetology

Various factors can prompt inspections from the State Board of Cosmetology. Though procedures can vary state by state, these are the most common triggers:

  1. Routine Inspections: The Board often conducts routine or random inspections to verify that all salons comply with the state’s laws and regulations on cleanliness, safety, and professional conduct.
  2. New Licenses or Renewals: Whenever a new salon license is issued or an existing one is renewed, the Board may conduct an inspection.
  3. Complaints: Inspections may be triggered by complaints lodged against a salon. These complaints can range from sanitation issues and unlicensed workers to allegations of unethical or unprofessional behavior.
  4. Accidents or Incidents: If an accident or a serious incident occurs at a salon, it could trigger an inspection.
  5. Follow-ups to Previous Inspections: If a salon was found to have violations during previous inspections, a follow-up inspection might be scheduled to ensure those issues have been rectified.
  6. Changes in Ownership or Location: If a salon changes ownership or relocates, the Board may conduct an inspection.

The Importance of Understanding the Reason for Inspection

Knowing why an inspection is taking place is fundamental for salon owners and beauty professionals. The reason for the inspection can give insight into what the inspector will focus on, allowing you to be better prepared. More importantly, understanding the cause for an inspection ensures transparency, keeping the lines of communication open between you and the Board.

Being informed about the reason for an inspection allows you to:

  • Address Concerns Proactively: If the inspection is due to a complaint, knowing the specifics allows you to address the issue promptly and directly.
  • Correct Previous Issues: If the inspection is a follow-up to a previous one, knowing this can help you focus on demonstrating that past issues have been rectified.
  • Maintain High Standards: Routine inspections, even without specific complaints, help maintain high standards of hygiene and professionalism. Knowing that an inspection is routine can ease worries about potential issues and focus on demonstrating your commitment to these standards.

If the reason for an inspection isn’t provided, remember that you have the right to ask. It’s always within your interest to know and understand why an inspection is taking place.

In conclusion, understanding the triggers for an inspection by the State Board of Cosmetology and the importance of knowing the reasons behind them is key to maintaining a proactive, transparent, and efficient relationship with the Board. This knowledge empowers salon owners and beauty professionals to continuously uphold industry standards, address concerns, and provide the best possible service to their clientele.

La Mentalidad de “¡SÍ, PUEDO!” y el Camino hacia el Éxito en la Academia de Belleza de Louisville

En la sociedad actual, la industria de la belleza está floreciendo. Las personas están en busca constante de servicios de calidad que mejoren su apariencia y bienestar. Louisville Beauty Academy ha demostrado ser un faro de esperanza y éxito, especialmente para los inmigrantes con inglés limitado. Este artículo resalta cómo la mentalidad de “¡SÍ, PUEDO!” ha empoderado a más de 1000 graduados, en su mayoría inmigrantes, para triunfar en esta industria en constante crecimiento.

Programas de la Academia de Belleza de Louisville

La Academia de Belleza de Louisville ofrece una variedad de programas que son especialmente beneficiosos para los inmigrantes. Entre ellos se encuentran:

  1. Cosmetología: Los estudiantes aprenden técnicas de corte de cabello, estilismo, y coloración.
  2. Tecnología de uñas: Los alumnos adquieren habilidades en arte de uñas, manicuras, y pedicuras.
  3. Estética: Este programa se enfoca en cuidado de la piel, tratamientos faciales, y aplicación de maquillaje.
  4. Asesoramiento y apoyo lingüístico: Los estudiantes que no hablan inglés con fluidez reciben asistencia en la lengua.
  5. Ayuda financiera y becas: Para aquellos que necesitan apoyo económico.
  6. Asistencia en licencias y asesoramiento profesional: Ayuda a los graduados a obtener las licencias necesarias y les brinda orientación para iniciar sus carreras.

Testimonios y Éxito de los Inmigrantes

La mayoría de los salones de belleza están contratando y hay una gran demanda de técnicos de belleza. Entre los más de 1000 graduados de la Academia de Belleza de Louisville, una proporción significativa son inmigrantes con conocimientos limitados de inglés. Sus historias de éxito son testimonio de que, independientemente del idioma o la cultura, uno puede alcanzar grandes alturas con determinación y la mentalidad de “¡SÍ, PUEDO!”.

Superar Obstáculos y Alcanzar el Éxito

Barreras del Idioma:

Para muchos inmigrantes, el idioma puede ser una barrera. Sin embargo, con el apoyo lingüístico proporcionado por la academia, los estudiantes pueden superar estos desafíos y prosperar en su educación y carrera.

Adaptación Cultural:

Adaptarse a una nueva cultura puede ser abrumador. La academia fomenta un ambiente de diversidad e inclusión, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a sentirse cómodos y aceptados.

Apoyo Financiero:

La academia ofrece ayuda financiera y becas, lo que facilita que los estudiantes con dificultades económicas puedan acceder a la educación.


La Academia de Belleza de Louisville ha demostrado ser una plataforma excepcional para que los inmigrantes persigan sus sueños en la industria de la belleza. Con la mentalidad de “¡SÍ, PUEDO!”, cualquier persona, sin importar su origen o habilidades lingüísticas, puede superar obstáculos y alcanzar el éxito en esta floreciente industria. La determinación, el apoyo y la educación adecuada son los ingredientes clave para abrir puertas a un futuro brillante en el mundo de la belleza.

Achieving Dreams with the “Yes I Can” Mentality: Louisville Beauty Academy Leading the Way

In a world where the beauty industry is growing exponentially, there lies a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be seized. Louisville Beauty Academy is an exemplary institution that has been leading the way in turning dreams into reality through the “Yes I Can” mentality. With over 1000 graduates, most of whom are immigrants with limited English proficiency, this academy stands as a testimony that anyone can achieve greatness with the right attitude and support. Let’s dive into the programs that make this academy a treasure for aspiring beauty professionals, especially immigrants.

The ‘Yes I Can’ Mentality and Its Power

The “Yes I Can” mentality is a mindset built on self-belief, resilience, and determination. It’s about seeing yourself succeed before you even start. For immigrants who face numerous challenges, adopting this mentality is the first step to overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams.

Louisville Beauty Academy’s Programs: A Blessing for Immigrants

Louisville Beauty Academy offers a range of programs designed to suit the needs of its diverse student body. Here are some of the programs that are particularly beneficial for immigrants:

1. Cosmetology Program

With the high demand for skilled cosmetologists, this program equips students with the expertise needed in hair styling, coloring, cutting, and skin care. It’s comprehensive and offers hands-on experience, which is crucial for immediate employment after graduation.

2. Nail Technology Program

Nail services are highly sought after, and this program trains students in manicures, pedicures, and nail art, among other skills. The program is not only thorough but allows for flexible scheduling, making it easier for those balancing work and studies.

3. Esthetics Program

Specializing in skincare, this program focuses on facials, hair removal, and makeup application. With a rise in the demand for estheticians, graduates are likely to find employment opportunities quickly.

4. Language Support Services

Acknowledging the language barrier faced by many immigrants, the academy provides language support services to help non-English speaking students grasp the course materials effectively.

5. Cultural Sensitivity Training

Cultural diversity is embraced, and students are trained to understand and respect different cultures. This is essential in an industry that caters to diverse clientele.

6. Financial Aid and Scholarships

Understanding the financial constraints that immigrants often face, the academy offers scholarships and financial aid options to reduce the burden and provide equal opportunities.

7. Licensing Assistance

Regulatory and licensing processes can be daunting for immigrants. The academy simplifies this by offering guidance through these processes, ensuring students are well-prepared to obtain their licenses.

8. Career Counseling and Mentorship

Guidance doesn’t end at the classroom. Louisville Beauty Academy offers career counseling and mentorship programs, ensuring students are equipped for success in the beauty industry.

Final Thoughts

Louisville Beauty Academy is not just an institution; it’s a launching pad for dreams. Immigrants, often facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, find hope and guidance within its walls. The “Yes I Can” mentality, coupled with the invaluable programs and support offered by the academy, has proven to be a formidable combination for success. If you or someone you know is an immigrant aspiring to make a mark in the beauty industry, remember – with the right attitude and support, Yes, You Can!

Empowering Beauty Aspirants: Louisville Beauty Academy’s UAW-Ford Employee Tuition Plan Certification

An exclusive opportunity for Ford employees in Louisville to elevate their skills in the beauty industry.

Louisville, Kentucky – Louisville Beauty Academy is overjoyed to announce its recent accomplishment in securing the UAW-Ford Employee Tuition Plan (ETP) Certification. This notable achievement introduces a pathway to premium beauty education for United Automobile Workers (UAW) represented Ford hourly employees. The certification is effective from June 15, 2023, through June 15, 2026, and enables eligible Ford employees to enroll in specialized courses under a unique tuition assistance program.

What’s on Offer?

Louisville Beauty Academy, located at 1049 Bardstown Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40204, is celebrated for its commitment to excellence in beauty education. With the ETP Certification, the academy is excited to extend its esteemed Nail Tech Program and Esthetician Program to UAW represented Ford hourly employees.

Nail Tech Program

  • Hours: 450
  • Tuition: $7,200.00
  • Cost per contact hour: $16.00
  • Optional Student Cost: $1,125.50

Esthetician Program

  • Hours: 750
  • Tuition: $12,000.00
  • Cost per contact hour: $16.00
  • Optional Student Cost: $2,174.00

The UAW-Ford ETP Advantage

The UAW-Ford ETP will be responsible for tuition costs up to $1,500 from the employees’ Personal Development Assistance – Educational Enrichment (PDA-EEC) funding. Employees, however, will be responsible for any additional costs such as supplies, books, materials, and licenses for the courses.

What sets this initiative apart is the academy’s unwavering commitment to upholding the highest educational standards as mandated by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. All beauty teaching at Louisville Beauty Academy is conducted under Kentucky-licensed programs in cosmetology, nails, and esthetics, ensuring that Ford employees receive education that not only excels in quality but is also in strict adherence to Kentucky laws and regulations.

Why Choose Louisville Beauty Academy?

Louisville Beauty Academy is devoted to imparting high-quality education in beauty and wellness. The academy is known for its flexible schedules, accommodating staff, and an environment that is conducive to learning. Additionally, the cost-effective structure ensures that a diverse range of individuals can access top-tier education without putting a strain on their finances.

A Word from Di Tran, Representative of Louisville Beauty Academy

Di Tran, a representative of Louisville Beauty Academy, conveyed immense pride and enthusiasm regarding the certification. “This certification embodies our dedication to excellence in beauty education. We are privileged to partner with UAW-Ford ETP and eagerly look forward to empowering Ford employees in Louisville by providing them with unmatched skills in beauty and wellness.”

Enroll Today!

If you are a UAW represented Ford hourly employee and have been contemplating the perfect opportunity to realize your ambitions in the beauty industry, this is the moment! Take the inaugural step towards a fulfilling career by enrolling in Louisville Beauty Academy’s certified courses.

For more information, visit Louisville Beauty Academy at 1049 Bardstown Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40204, or reach out to Di Tran for personalized assistance.

Let’s cherish the beauty in education and the education in beauty!

This article is brought to you in collaboration with Louisville Beauty Academy.

LBA - Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology - 06-15-203

Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology Announces New License Renewal System

Kentucky, June 19, 2023 – The Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology (KBC) has issued an important notice for beauty professionals and beauty school graduates regarding a newly implemented license renewal system. The KBC urges all individuals holding a Nail Technician license or permit to take prompt action as the current license will expire on June 30, 2023. This announcement carries significant implications for beauty professionals across Kentucky.

Online Renewal Process

The KBC has streamlined the license renewal process through a new online system. Licensees can renew or restore their licenses by visiting the KBC’s official website Under the Licensure tab, detailed instructions for the renewal process are provided. The following are essential requirements to complete the renewal:

  • An electronic copy of documents such as a 2×2 passport-style photo, government-issued ID, and, if applicable, felony support documents.
  • Licensees must maintain a current contact email. Any changes to the contact email must be updated within 10 days.
  • Employment details must be kept current and updated within 30 days of any change.

Verification and License/Permit Card

Upon successful completion of the renewal process, a Notification of Renewal will be sent via email. This notification serves as verification of the renewal until the final physical copies of the license or permit card are received.

Missed Communications

It is crucial for licensees to check their emails for communications from the KBC. In case this important notice has not been received via email, licensees are advised to contact the KBC at [email protected] for assistance or with any queries regarding the renewal process.


Failure to renew the license by the specified expiration date will result in assessment of restoration fees.

Takeaway for Beauty Professionals

The KBC’s new renewal system aims to streamline the process and ensure that beauty professionals comply with the latest licensure requirements. It is vital for individuals to ensure their contact information is up-to-date, and be vigilant in adhering to the provided timeline to avoid any penalties.

Beauty professionals and recent beauty school graduates in Kentucky are encouraged to act promptly to comply with this new renewal process and ensure the continuity of their professional practice.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology at [email protected].

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is based on the notice issued by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology as of June 15, 2023. It is essential to consult the official Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology website for the most current and accurate information regarding license renewal procedures and other updates. The author and publisher of this article are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content or any actions taken in reliance on this information.

LBA - Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology - 06-15-203
LBA – Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology – 06-15-203