The Louisville Beauty Academy does not discriminate in its employment, admission, instruction, or graduation policies on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, or ethnic origin nor does it recruit students already attending or admitted to another school offering similar programs of study. The school requires that each student enrolling in the Cosmetology or Esthetics programs must:

  • Complete an application for enrollment
  • Provide proof of secondary education such as a diploma, a GED certificate, an official transcript of secondary school completion, or a state certification of home-school completion.

In the absence of the above documentation, the applicant must take and pass an approved ability-to- benefit test administered according to the test publisher’s guidelines by an approved Independent Test Administrator. In lieu of passing an ability-to-benefit test, the applicant may enroll in and successfully complete at least 6 credit hours or 225 clock hours.

Instructor applicants must meet all of the above requirements and:

  • hold a current license as a practitioner in the field they wish to teach
  • complete an application for enrollment
  • complete an instructor in training application to be forwarded to the State Board of Cosmetology

Students enrolling under a training agreement with another entity, the applicant must meet the admissions requirements set forth in the training agreement with the other entity.

Louisville Beauty Academy – A Registered and Certified Beauty/Cosmetology/Nail/Esthetic/Cosmetology Instructor Post-Secondary Educational School According to KY Stateboard of Cosmetology and HairDresser

All beauty Beauty / Cosmetology / Nail / Esthetic / Cosmetology Instructor Post-Secondary Educational School in the state of Kentucky has to be registered and certified by State Board of Kentucky of Cosmetology and HairDresser. Louisville Beauty Academy is included and listed on State Board Website as follow.

We encourage all students, and student guardian/parents to do their due diligence to ensure them or their children are going to a school that fit their needs, learning style, and budget.

Louisville Beauty Academy (LB Academy) focus in hardworking community people who work and have a tough schedule, so flexibility in schedule is our number one focus. LB Academy also focuses on the affordability, and we currently make school scholarship available to all student depends on his/her commitment to school attendance – more than 50% discount on tuition scholarship available.

State Board of Kentucky of Cosmetology and Hairdresser – website that list Louisville Beauty Academy as a certified school.


My business does NOT exist to compete with other businesses


A beauty school CEO’s insight in his thinking about his business in comparison to other business of the same domain, the beauty educational industry or trade/technical school business.

Key Question:

“What makes your school better than other school?”

– This is an exact quote of a school prospect’s question, asked while being on the call with Louisville Beauty Academy CEO


The intention of this article to share one small perspective of an entrepreneur that he uses as the guiding principle to drive his business vision/mission.


“Mam, this is Di Tran from Louisville Beauty Academy. We appreciate your inquiry. I believe what you asking is – what make our school unique and how may we fit your need? Is this correct?” Louisville Beauty Academy CEO’s responded to the school prospect with the question above. The prospect answered with the “Yes”.

There is a big difference between 1-startup a business to compete with another business and 2-startup a business to fill a gap in the industry. Each of which determines the business vision, mission and strategy that enables and guides the business to win or be successful in its domain.

1- Startup a business to compete with another business

Startup with the intention to compete with another business is equivalent to mimic or duplicate in business capability of an existing business. This also means that you plan to share the same pie with the existing business, and intend to compete for a percentage. You are obviously late in this game since you are getting into providing an existing capability which other has been doing a lot longer than you. To make your business better than the existing ones, while doing the exact same way leads you to limitation in options.

Competition with other business as a goal or mission set a limitation in company direction and path to success. As most of entrepreneur is aware, there is multiple way to success in business and each head of a company needs to develop his/her own way to get there, not to follow other’s path. Di Tran, Louisville Beauty Academy CEO does not prefer to use this way.

2- Startup a business to fill a gap in the industry

Di Tran, Louisville Beauty Academy CEO like to think of startup or business that exist to fill a specific gap or people’s need. Di Tran lives with a guiding principle that was shared to him by his mentor: “You will be successful in your business or anything you do when you tailor your vision/mission/strategy/action to the intention of truly helping people”. Living by this guiding principle will enable us to focus and forward thinking on the people’s need, and zone down on each individual’s (customer’s) desire for specific subject/matter/product in short term and long term.

Customer’s needs or people’s desire change, and it tends to change often. Our business needs to be pro-active and re-active to the number one reason our business exists for, which is our customer – NOT other business in the same domain/industry. Therefore “my business does not exist to compete with other business” but to learn about my customer’s needs and tailor my services or product to fulfill that need partially or completely. The speed, the technique, and the time that services and products be placed on the market determine how unique a business is in comparison to other business.

At Louisville Beauty Academy, Di Tran’s grand vision is about building professional, developing skillful person, and empowering community with beauty knowledge – especially focus on those in need. What make Louisville Beauty Academy unique are:

1)     Highly diversity inclusive environment, where everyone with all background are really welcomed, supported, and recommended to learn from each other

2)     Louisville Beauty Academy is started to specifically assist those who work and have tight life schedule – flexibility in schedule, and having 1×1 session whenever needed to ensure success in each of student

3)     Cost is another key factor that prevents immigrant community people and many other community to enroll in post-secondary school. Louisville Beauty Academy has more than 50% tuition scholarship for all Full-time student.

a.      School also include a debt-free program that include pay as you go – a monthly payment plan of an affordable amount per student.

4)     School instructors at Louisville Beauty Academy understand and know they are more than a beauty instructor, but are also example of ESL teacher, professional behavior trainer, business owner developer and more. Louisville Beauty Academy instructors recognizes his/her value in these role.

5)     Louisville Beauty Academy establishes and maintains a culture of always be there to help the student.

Louisville Beauty Academy CEO vows to actively monitor the community and change the school strategy accordingly and often as needed to adapt and to always have what customer need in the timeliest manner.



Vietnamese Version

Doanh nghiệp của tôi KHÔNG tồn tại để cạnh tranh với doanh nghiệp khác

Mục tiêu:
Một giám đốc điều hành của trường dạy làm đẹp, hiểu biết sâu sắc về suy nghĩ của ông về doanh nghiệp của mình so với các doanh nghiệp khác cùng lĩnh vực, ngành giáo dục làm đẹp hoặc kinh doanh trường thương mại / kỹ thuật.

Câu hỏi then chốt:
Cái gì làm cho trường của bạn tốt hơn trường khác?

  • Đây là một câu trích dẫn chính xác về câu hỏi triển vọng của trường, được hỏi khi đang thực hiện cuộc gọi với Giám đốc điều hành của Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville

Động lực
Mục đích của bài viết này là chia sẻ một viễn cảnh nhỏ của một doanh nhân mà anh ta sử dụng làm nguyên tắc chỉ đạo để thúc đẩy tầm nhìn / sứ mệnh kinh doanh của mình.

Câu trả lời
Đây là Di Tran từ Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville. Chúng tôi đánh giá cao yêu cầu của bạn. Tôi tin những gì bạn hỏi là – điều gì làm cho trường của chúng tôi trở nên độc đáo và làm thế nào chúng tôi có thể phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn? Điều này có đúng không? Giám đốc điều hành Học viện sắc đẹp Louis Louis đã trả lời về triển vọng của trường với câu hỏi trên. Khách hàng tiềm năng đã trả lời với Có Có.

Có một sự khác biệt lớn giữa 1 doanh nghiệp khởi nghiệp để cạnh tranh với doanh nghiệp khác và 2 doanh nghiệp khởi nghiệp để lấp đầy khoảng trống trong ngành. Mỗi trong số đó xác định tầm nhìn, sứ mệnh và chiến lược kinh doanh cho phép và hướng dẫn doanh nghiệp giành chiến thắng hoặc thành công trong lĩnh vực của mình.

1- Khởi nghiệp một doanh nghiệp để cạnh tranh với một doanh nghiệp khác
Khởi nghiệp với ý định cạnh tranh với một doanh nghiệp khác tương đương với bắt chước hoặc trùng lặp trong khả năng kinh doanh của một doanh nghiệp hiện có. Điều này cũng có nghĩa là bạn có kế hoạch chia sẻ cùng một miếng bánh với doanh nghiệp hiện có và có ý định cạnh tranh để giành phần trăm. Bạn rõ ràng bị trễ trong trò chơi này vì bạn đang bắt đầu cung cấp một khả năng hiện có mà người khác đã làm lâu hơn bạn rất nhiều. Để làm cho doanh nghiệp của bạn tốt hơn so với những doanh nghiệp hiện có, trong khi thực hiện chính xác cùng một cách dẫn bạn đến giới hạn trong các tùy chọn.

Cạnh tranh với doanh nghiệp khác như một mục tiêu hoặc sứ mệnh đặt ra giới hạn trong định hướng của công ty và con đường dẫn đến thành công. Vì hầu hết các doanh nhân đều biết, có nhiều cách để thành công trong kinh doanh và mỗi người đứng đầu một công ty cần phát triển theo cách riêng của mình để đạt được điều đó, không đi theo con đường khác. Di Tran, CEO của Louisville Beauty Academy không thích sử dụng cách này.

2- Khởi nghiệp kinh doanh để lấp khoảng trống trong ngành
Di Tran, Giám đốc điều hành của Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville thích nghĩ về khởi nghiệp hoặc kinh doanh tồn tại để lấp đầy một khoảng trống cụ thể hoặc những người cần. Di Tran sống với một nguyên tắc chỉ đạo được chia sẻ với anh ấy bởi người cố vấn của anh ấy: Bạn sẽ thành công trong công việc kinh doanh hoặc bất cứ điều gì bạn làm khi điều chỉnh tầm nhìn / sứ mệnh / chiến lược / hành động của bạn theo ý định thực sự giúp đỡ mọi người. Sống theo nguyên tắc chỉ đạo này sẽ cho phép chúng tôi tập trung và chuyển tiếp suy nghĩ về nhu cầu của mọi người, và giảm bớt mong muốn của từng cá nhân (khách hàng) đối với đối tượng / vấn đề / sản phẩm cụ thể trong ngắn hạn và dài hạn.

Nhu cầu của khách hàng hoặc người khác mong muốn thay đổi, và nó có xu hướng thay đổi thường xuyên. Hoạt động kinh doanh của chúng tôi cần phải chủ động và hoạt động trở lại với lý do số một mà doanh nghiệp của chúng tôi tồn tại, đó là khách hàng của chúng tôi – KHÔNG phải là doanh nghiệp khác trong cùng lĩnh vực / ngành. Do đó, doanh nghiệp của tôi không tồn tại để cạnh tranh với các doanh nghiệp khác mà là để tìm hiểu về nhu cầu khách hàng của tôi và điều chỉnh các dịch vụ hoặc sản phẩm của tôi để đáp ứng nhu cầu đó một phần hoặc hoàn toàn. Tốc độ, kỹ thuật và thời gian mà các dịch vụ và sản phẩm được đưa ra thị trường quyết định mức độ độc đáo của một doanh nghiệp so với các doanh nghiệp khác.

Tại Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville, tầm nhìn lớn của Di Tran Tiết là về xây dựng chuyên nghiệp, phát triển người khéo léo và trao quyền cho cộng đồng với kiến ​​thức làm đẹp – đặc biệt tập trung vào những người có nhu cầu. Điều làm nên sự độc đáo của Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville là:

1) Môi trường bao gồm đa dạng cao, nơi mọi người có tất cả nền tảng thực sự được hoan nghênh, hỗ trợ và đề nghị học hỏi lẫn nhau

2) Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville bắt đầu hỗ trợ cụ thể cho những người đi làm và có lịch trình cuộc sống chặt chẽ – linh hoạt trong lịch trình và có buổi 1×1 bất cứ khi nào cần để đảm bảo thành công ở mỗi học sinh

3) Chi phí là một yếu tố quan trọng khác ngăn người dân cộng đồng nhập cư và nhiều cộng đồng khác đăng ký vào trường sau trung học. Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville có học bổng hơn 50% cho tất cả sinh viên toàn thời gian.

a. Trường cũng bao gồm một chương trình không có nợ bao gồm thanh toán khi bạn đi – một kế hoạch thanh toán hàng tháng với số tiền phải chăng cho mỗi học sinh.

4) Giảng viên trường học tại Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville hiểu và biết họ không chỉ là một giảng viên sắc đẹp, mà còn là ví dụ về giáo viên dạy tiếng Anh, huấn luyện viên hành vi chuyên nghiệp, nhà phát triển chủ doanh nghiệp và hơn thế nữa. Giảng viên của Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville nhận ra giá trị của anh ấy / cô ấy trong những vai trò này.

5) Học viện sắc đẹp Louisville thiết lập và duy trì văn hóa luôn có mặt để giúp đỡ học sinh.

Giám đốc điều hành Louisville Beauty Academy tuyên bố sẽ tích cực giám sát cộng đồng và thay đổi chiến lược của trường cho phù hợp và thường xuyên khi cần để thích nghi và luôn có những gì khách hàng cần theo cách kịp thời.


English Version on Linkedin


Louisville Beauty Academy – Nail Technology Program – ONLY REQUIRE 450 HOURS (Less than 3 month of school)

State Board of Cosmetology in Kentucky has reduced hour of Nail Technology required hours from 600 to 450 – that is equivalent to less than 3 months of school for full-time student (30-40 hours/week school attendance). This also means that at Louisville Beauty Academy, with our school more than 50% tuition off scholarship. Please check school tuition, fee and scholarship page here. YES, THIS IS AMAZING.

Is there any more reason to delay, or wait to empower your with extra skill, and education to enable you to stable your life? LET’S START TODAY, ENROLL AT OUR SCHOOL AND ALLOW YOURSELF TO BECOME A NAIL TECHNICIAN – one of the fastest growing industry in beauty domain.




[email protected]

Louisville Beauty Esthetic Program – NOW AVAILABLE – ENROLL TODAY TO START A NEW LIFE

Louisville Beauty Academy is excited to announce that we NOW HAVE esthetic program available for immediate enrollment and start. Like all our programs, esthetic program students are available with similar more than 50% off tuition scholarship for all Full-Time student (less than $4000 tuition for entire program) with month by month payment plan. OUR SCHOOL IS STRUCTURED FOR THOSE WHO WORK, so affordability and flexibility are our slogan.

State Board of Cosmetology in Kentucky has recently as of 03-30-2018 lower required hours for Esthetic to 750 hours from 1000 hours. This is a promotion to continuing education within Louisville KY community. Let’s empower ourselves with more education and skill to stable our lives – ENROLL TODAY 




[email protected]

Cosmetology School – Fact and Myth – School Category + Accreditation + Quality


This article is a summary of higher level information about key elements of cosmetology school, a higher educational institute. The objective is to synthesize all cosmetology school information and share a more complete set knowledge to enable our community to determine his/her school need, especially beauty school or cosmetology school.

The key elements to be addressed here are:

  1. Cosmetology School (Technical, Vocational, and Trade) Vs General Education College
    • Cosmetology School Certification vs General Educational Degree
  2. Choosing School – School Evaluation
    • Quality of Education
  3. Accreditation Myth and Fact

A more important aspect is this is a collection of multiple source information summaries; NOT a single person perspective.


School is an important aspect of life and having a big impact in both the short term and long term need (survival needs for many) of an individual. School or cosmetology school matters are often questioned and answered in bit and piece, incomplete and in a distributed fashion;  therefore it is important for a community to have a most complete set of knowledge, as unbiased as possible,  short, simplified, summarized and easy to get a jump start in cosmetology school determination.

Cosmetology School vs. General Education College

The comparison of higher school starts with the definition and determination of school comparison variable or items to use to compare the school with. The comparison variables include:

  1. School category (Technical, Vocational or Trade Vs General Education)
  2. Certification type (Certification Vs Degree)
  3. Cost
    • Educational cost total
    • Cost Aid:
      1. Educational aid qualification
      2. Educational loan
  • Educational payment plan
  • Time
    1. Study time
    2. Time of life
  • Time of work
  1. Return on investment
    • Job Finding or Job Placement
    • Average salary

Higher School Category

According to Webster, higher education/school means education or school that is beyond secondary level education; also means above high school/12 grade or equivalent diploma such as GED (Webster, 2017). This indicates a requirement to have proof high school or equivalent at the enrollment time of higher educational institute like cosmetology school.

Higher education is broken down into 5 categories (US Gov Financial Aid, 2017):

  • Career, technical, trade or vocational courses/program
  • General Education – Associate Degree – 2 years
  • General Education – Bachelor’s degree – 4 Years
  • General Education – Master’s Degree – 6 years
  • General Education – Doctorate Degree – 8+ years

Based on the list above, education is literally broken down into 2 buckets or groups:

  • General education
    • Regulated by Board of Education – a government agency (independent board and commission)
  • Career education (or trade, vocational, technical education)
    • Regulated by different board and commission based on the area of trade, technical, vocation or career education
      1. Cosmetology Education – regulated by the Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists (KYGov-Cosmetology, 2017)
      2. Barber Education – regulated by the Board of Barbering (KYGov-Barber, 2017)
      3. Massage Therapy – regulated by the Board of Licensure for Massage Therapy (KYGov-MassageTherapy, 2017)

Cosmetology School – Career, Technical, Trade or Vocational School

Cosmetology School is a career, technical, trade or vocational school because it regulated, and defined with the following characteristic by the US government as below (US Gov Financial Aid, 2017):

  • Trade school – focus in developing the skill of a specific trade (buy or sell a good or product)
  • Technical school – focus on the application of license in an occupation
  • Vocational school – focus in the hands-on application of specific skills to do a specific job
  • Career school – focus on hands-on training, and short educational period (usually LESS THAN 2 years)
  • Certification or license granted at the completion of training
  • Public or private – majorly for-profit privately owned

Cosmetology School Vs General Education – Differences

The key difference between cosmetology school (career, technical, trade or vocational school) vs. general education school are:

  • Credit Hour
    • Cosmetology School (KYGov-Cosmetology, 2017)
      • Government agency directly regulates, monitor and log actual hours spent at school as credit hours in the government system.
          • Cosmetology School DOES NOT certify credit hours, but all hours are controlled, logged and certified by a government agency – in this case, the Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologist
          • Government State Board expect the actual hour spent in school as credit hour
            1. Example:
              • 600 hours for Nail Technology program is required by Government State Board of Kentucky – then it means Nail Technology student need to spend literally 600 hours in school
  • General Educational School
    • General educational is relative, NOT EXACT in term of hours spent for studying both in school/class and at home.
  • Certification vs Degree
    • Cosmetology School (KYGov-Cosmetology, 2017)
      • Certification of completion is given to the student at the completion of all government state board required hours by the school, but this is not official in term of work
      • The certification exam is conducted by the government state board, and expect students to pass (theory + practical) before a TRUE certification is given BY THE STATE BOARD, not school
    • General Education School
      • The degree is given to a student who completes all required course with required level of grade by the school
    • Cost (TheSimpleDollar, 2017)
      • Cost goes hand and hand with the time required for completion of a program
      • Cosmetology School
        • Less than 2 years and significantly a lot less in cost
        • Averagely around $33k and under
        • Roughly around $12/hour
        • Example:
          • Cosmetology Program required 1500 hours by State Board of Cosmetology in Kentucky
            • 1500 hours * $12/hour = $18,000 for tuition only
            • Another expense is around 25% of total tuition cost
              1. 18,000 * .25 = $4,500
            • Total: $22,500 – under $30K for entire cosmetology course of 1,500 hours
      • General Education
        • 4 years degree cost averagely around $120k
          • $120K / 4years = $30k/years
  • Return on Investment
    • Cosmetology Fields (PayScale, 2017, TheSimpleDollar, 2017)
      • Average income for most fields in cosmetology is roughly around $33,000/year
        • Equivalent to $15/hour – go by 40 hours a week and 52 weeks/year
      • General Education (PayScale-General Studies Degree, 2017)
        • Average income for a wide range of fields under general education with 4 year bachelor degree is $36,000-$70,000

Choosing School – School Evaluation

Evaluation of individual need for the type of education is in 2 levels (TheSimpleDollar, 2017):

  • Type of school – Trade, Technical, Vocational or Career School Vs General Education College/University
    • Based on the comparison above, general education takes longer, and cost more; then the result is the individual make more money in the end – MORE EDUCATION, MORE MONEY
    • The decision in terms of the type of school often fall in two areas:
      1. Affordability in term of monetary cost and time cost
        1. Work
        2. Life
        3. School
      2. Educational Interest
        1. General Education is not everyone
        2. Nor Technical, Vocational, Career or Trade is for everyone
  • Career field
    • Both general education and technical school require an individual to pick a field to be specialized in
    • The determining factor goes back to individual interest of specific field, cost, and return on investment (how much you make after you graduate?)

Quality of School

As part of school evaluation, quality of the school is a big bucket on your list to evaluate. Quality of school is defined in term of value of school certification or degree – and that value is relative to a general population perspective that is often measured based on a few criteria below:

  • Job market acceptance of certification or degree – especially from a specific school
  • Certification of credit to knowledge or education – especially from a specific school
  • General Education
    • For general education, popularity and highly or well-accepted school has an effect or impact the quality or value of the degree an individual accomplished
      • Degree become less important once the individual stack up his/her experience – then the general population or company often only refer to his/her accomplishment or experience
    • School matters in term of value determination of the educational degree
  • Cosmetology school or technical, career, trade or vocational education in general
    • For technical school or cosmetology school specifically, the government state board owns, control, monitor and given credit hours, as well as regulate and conduct examination before certification is given – therefore, regardless of which school an individual attend, the same level of certification or value of education is achieved.
      • An individual passes the government standard exam – it also means that he/she is qualified as much as anyone else who attends other school and passed the same exam.
    • School DOES NOT MATTER in term of value determination of education certificate – because everyone get the same certification from Government if they pass government state board standard exam

Accreditation Myth and Fact


What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is the recognition that an institution maintains a certain national acceptable standard of quality in education and performance. The standard is studied, established, guided, and compliance monitored by accrediting agencies/bodies (many of them based on the type of institute/school and field or type of program/courses) (Gov-Accreditation, 2017). This process applies both to general education college/university and technical/vocation/career/trade school/institute/college.

The accreditation process includes 1-preparation, 2-application, 3-submission, 4-inspection, 5-accreditation, and 6-monitor (FactWebSite, 2017); it is INTENSIVE in both the application as well as the maintenance of the accreditation. This also means it is COSTLY in time=money for the schools (the cost eventually transfer to higher in cost for the student) and RESTRICTIVE in process and procedure for the students.

Cosmetology School Accreditation Agencies

The list of accreditation agencies for cosmetology school or beauty school is limited to less than 5 (BeautySchool, 2017), and the most notable is National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). NACCAS is an independent accrediting commission and nonprofit organization which originates back to 1969 and account/merges with Cosmetology Accrediting Commission (CAC) in 1981 (NACCAS, 2017).

What is Accreditation good for?

Accredited schools or schools with accreditation by an acceptable agency have access to government funding, or Financial Aid (US Gov Financial Aid, 2017).

General Education School

For general education school (4 years degree or above), it is especially important to have accreditation for 2 reasons (50States, 2017)

  1. Accreditation ensures the value of student educational accomplishment or degree
    • Refers back to (Quality of School) section above, the school provides a degree to the student and the quality that include accreditation means a lot to a granted degree – as viewed by the public or employment firms
  2. Cost of 4+ years – is often NOT paid in cash most students
    • $100k+ in school cost is often required an aid – and educational aid is almost always come from Federal Financial Aid which includes 1) small grant (free money) and 2) majorly loan with low-interest rate or interest deferred until student graduation
Cosmetology School

For cosmetology school or other technical, vocational, career or trade school/college, accreditation importance is debatable and not so much required criteria for 2 reasons (50States, 2017):

  • Accreditation is NOT a measure of the value of student educational accomplishment or degree
    • Refers back to (Quality of School) section above, Cosmetology School DOES NOT provide student credit hours NOR grant student certification of accomplishment; GOV STATE BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY DOES. All students receive the same value and qualification from the gov state board of cosmetology after he/she pass the certification exam.
  • Cost of fewer than 2 years
    • $2k – $33k tuition cost, DEPENDS on school tuition chart determines how student go about paying for school
      1. A student may pay cash if the tuition is small enough
      2. A student may pay cash on a payment plan with a school if it is affordable enough
    • Financial Aid gives the student a 2nd option for paying tuition, but also increase student tuition cost because Accreditation and Financial Aid has quite a workload of paperwork that school has to pay a specialist to do – this cost is added to student tuition

Myth in Cosmetology School (Technical, Vocational, Career or Trade School)

This section addresses the myth or the wrong perception for misconstrued information about cosmetology school or technical, vocational, career and trade schools in general (MassageTherapySchool , 2017).

The following is a list of wrongful, misinformed, untrue, incomplete and misleading information:

  • “You cannot be certified in unaccredited technical school”
    • WRONG, a school can only be open when it is approved and certified by the government agency (state board of that specific field). This also means that government state board will ensure you or any student be certified and hand you the certification with the highest standard after you pass the state board certification exam
  • “You cannot pass certification exam if you go to unaccredited technical school”
    • WRONG and more specifically mislead – 1st all student go to any school (which are certified by the government) will be given credit hours and opportunities to take certification exam provided by the government state board.
      • Pass or not pass state board is upon the student study and education of the school
      • When the student evaluate the school, you evaluate the student success or pass exam rate instead of relying on the accreditation
    • “You cannot get your license if you go in unaccredited technical school”
      • WRONG, same answer as (2)
    • “You cannot get a quality education in unaccredited technical school”
      • WRONG and more specifically mislead – quality education often relies on the exam passing rate or student graduation, or student post-school employment rate – NOT SCHOOL ACCREDITATION

Accreditation is the recognition of educational standard compliance; NOT a governing agency nor a regulator of education; especially in cosmetology education or technical/vocational/trade/career education in general. Non-accreditation school can provide the same level of quality and education, while also has an extra advantage over accreditation school because of restriction of accreditation and financial aid.

The advantage of Staying Non-Accredited (MassageTherapySchool, 2017)

  • Flexibility and Less Cost for school + Different Strategy
    • “Owners of these schools possess a very strong passion for the massage profession and tend to favor quality of education over the financial upside involved in franchising, consolidations or acquisitions”
  • Government Involvement in School – Because of Accreditation – NOT necessarily a good thing
    • “It costs a good amount of money getting to that next level and the process involves a mountain of paperwork. Many also despise the fact that the Government’s finger is in it. In essence, these schools feel that more and bigger is not always better, and many of them have proven this statistically through their students’ exam pass rates, job placement rates, and just overall success and satisfaction rates.”

You DO NOT need to go to an accredited school to get the same education

  • “The choice of school you make should not be based on whether it is accredited or non-accredited, but on your specific situation and whether the school you choose fits your and only your situation best.”
  • “The crux of the matter is that you DO NOT need to go to an accredited school if you want to become a successfully licensed specialist”
  • Many non-accredited schools can also deliver the same results and often at a less cost
