Historic Advancements in Kentucky’s Beauty Industry: Multi-Language Licensing Exams Approved

Louisville Beauty Academy Brings You the Latest News

The Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology has recently approved a historic change that promises to transform the beauty industry in the state. In a pivotal board meeting on June 10, 2024, the newly appointed board members voted to implement multi-language licensing exams. This decision is particularly significant for the immigrant community, including the estimated 30,000+ Latino immigrants who have moved to Kentucky in the past few years (2022-2024). The implementation date for these exams is yet to be decided, but many speculate it will be around September 2024.

A Milestone for Immigrant Communities

This change will tremendously aid the licensing process for immigrants of all races, including Vietnamese, Burmese, Korean, Ukrainian, Cambodian, and Latino communities. Louisville Beauty Academy has been passionately helping these communities with love and care, ensuring they receive the support needed to achieve their professional goals.

Efforts Towards Inclusivity and Transparency

The approval of multi-language exams is one of the most inclusive decisions made by the new board members, appointed by Governor Andy Beshear. This move reflects the board’s commitment to transparency and inclusivity within the beauty industry.

Importance of Documentation and Professionalism

While these efforts are commendable, it is crucial for all licensees and students to remember that board members and state officials are part-time participants in this effort, meeting only once a month. The staff of the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology handles all cases on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, it is highly important to maintain all documents, communication proofs, and track records with timestamps and dates for your protection.

Louisville Beauty Academy: Your Trusted Partner

Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed Beauty College, is proud to be your top partner in obtaining your license and conducting your beauty business safely and in alignment with Kentucky State law. We operate with respect and faith under God, ensuring that all interactions with the Kentucky Board staff are professional. Always follow up verbal communications with written records, including emails with timestamps and dates.

If you need any assistance, Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help. Text us at 502-625-5531 or email us at [email protected]. We are especially dedicated to supporting underrepresented populations with limited English proficiency. We are a family of the “YES I CAN” mentality, teaching and achieving our Kentucky State licenses with a “I HAVE DONE IT” certificate.

Maintain Clear and Professional Communication

Ensure that all communications are clear, concise, and professional. Understand that all matters with the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology are legal matters, meaning they must align with Kentucky State Law. Louisville Beauty Academy stands by you as a steadfast partner, helping you navigate the licensing process and succeed in your professional endeavors.


Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed Beauty College, focuses on Kentucky state beauty law and brings the public the latest news as it knows as possible for informational purposes only with zero opinions or endorsements of any type. This article does not guarantee the accuracy of the information as details can change frequently. Zero credit is taken, and all images and information are credited to the referenced sources.

Louisville Beauty Academy - KY State Board of Cosmetology

Communicating with the KY State Board of Cosmetology: Best Practices for Practitioners and Licensees

Communication is the cornerstone of understanding, and it becomes even more essential when interacting with administrative entities such as the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. For practitioners and licensees, especially those for whom English is a second language, effective communication is critical. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how best to communicate with the KY State Board of Cosmetology.

1. Email Communication: (Email to [email protected]) Email has emerged as the most effective means of communication with the KY State Board for two primary reasons:

a) Record Keeping: With emails, both parties have a tangible record of the correspondence, complete with timestamps. This ensures transparency and can be particularly useful if there are any disputes or clarifications needed in the future.

b) Response Time: The KY State Board, especially during peak periods like license renewal season in July and August, can be swamped with requests and queries. Emailing your concerns or questions gives the board the required time to address them comprehensively, ensuring a response typically within 30 days.

2. Using the Official Contact Form: Another efficient way to reach out is by filling out the contact form available at KY State Board’s Contact Page. This structured format ensures that you provide all the necessary details, which can expedite the Board’s response.

3. Filing a Complaint: If there are concerns or complaints you wish to raise, it is crucial to follow the proper channels to ensure they are addressed appropriately. The Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology has a designated Complaint Form that should be filled out. Using this official channel helps maintain orderliness and ensures your complaints are addressed in a structured manner.

Language Barriers: For practitioners and licensees with English as a second language or face language-related challenges, it can sometimes be daunting to navigate administrative processes. Louisville Beauty Academy recognizes this challenge and is committed to assisting all Kentucky State beauty education queries and needs.

Need Assistance? If you have any questions or require further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can text Louisville Beauty Academy at 502-625-5531 or fill out their online form. Their dedicated team is always ready to help, ensuring that you receive the information and assistance you need.

In conclusion, communication is pivotal, and understanding the best channels to use can make the difference between a swift resolution and prolonged back-and-forths. By following the guidelines outlined above, practitioners and licensees can ensure smooth and effective interactions with the KY State Board of Cosmetology.

P.S.: When reaching out to the KY State Board of Cosmetology, or any professional body, clarity is of utmost importance. It’s vital to be professional in your approach, ensuring your question or specific request is articulated clearly and concisely. This not only fosters effective communication but also expedites resolutions and answers. Before sending your message or query, take a moment to review and ensure that your main point is unmistakably understood. Remember, clarity in communication leads to effective results.