Louisville Beauty Academy – A Registered and Certified Beauty/Cosmetology/Nail/Esthetic/Cosmetology Instructor Post-Secondary Educational School According to KY Stateboard of Cosmetology and HairDresser

All beauty Beauty / Cosmetology / Nail / Esthetic / Cosmetology Instructor Post-Secondary Educational School in the state of Kentucky has to be registered and certified by State Board of Kentucky of Cosmetology and HairDresser. Louisville Beauty Academy is included and listed on State Board Website as follow.

We encourage all students, and student guardian/parents to do their due diligence to ensure them or their children are going to a school that fit their needs, learning style, and budget.

Louisville Beauty Academy (LB Academy) focus in hardworking community people who work and have a tough schedule, so flexibility in schedule is our number one focus. LB Academy also focuses on the affordability, and we currently make school scholarship available to all student depends on his/her commitment to school attendance – more than 50% discount on tuition scholarship available.

State Board of Kentucky of Cosmetology and Hairdresser – website that list Louisville Beauty Academy as a certified school.
