Louisville Beauty Academy: Nurturing a Family of Professionals Committed to Excellence and Compassion

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we pride ourselves on being more than just a beauty school. We are a close-knit family of over 1,000 graduates who have gone on to become salon owners, beauty professionals, and leaders in the industry. Our state-licensed and state-accredited institution fosters a supportive environment where students and alumni continuously uplift and encourage one another throughout their careers.

A Culture of Positivity and Collaboration

From the moment students step through our doors, they are immersed in a culture that emphasizes the importance of positivity, helpfulness, and the ability to inject positive energy into everything they do. Our curriculum goes beyond the technical skills required to excel in hair, nails, skincare, eyelash extensions, and more. We instill values that are crucial for success and collaboration in all aspects of life, particularly in human services.

Teaching the Key to Success

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we believe that success is not merely about obtaining a license; it’s about becoming a valuable and compassionate member of society. Our educators emphasize the importance of:

  • Being a Value: We teach our students to recognize their intrinsic worth and to constantly strive to add value to the lives of others through their work.
  • Being Helpful: Our students learn the significance of helping others, understanding that true success is achieved when we lift others up and support them in their journeys.
  • Radiating Positive Energy: We encourage our students to maintain a positive attitude and to be a source of light and encouragement for those around them.

Beyond Licensing: Love and Care

Our commitment extends beyond equipping students with the skills to pass licensing exams. We emphasize the importance of love and care in their professional and personal lives. In the beauty industry, where we often serve individuals who may not be able to care for themselves as effectively—such as people with disabilities and our loving elders—it is vital to approach each service with compassion and empathy.

Serving on a Vast Scale

Winning in the beauty industry is about more than individual success. It is about being capable of serving a wide range of clients with dedication and excellence. Our graduates are trained to approach their work with a servant’s heart, ensuring that they provide the highest level of care and attention to every client they encounter.

Building a Community of Care

We are incredibly proud of our graduates who have carried these values into their careers. They exemplify what it means to be part of the Louisville Beauty Academy family. Whether they are running their own salons or working as beauty professionals, they continue to embody the principles of value, helpfulness, and positive energy that we hold dear.

Our community is strengthened by the bonds formed during their time at the academy, and these relationships extend far beyond graduation. We support each other through every challenge and celebrate every success, knowing that together, we can achieve greatness.


Louisville Beauty Academy is not just a place to learn; it is a place to grow, both professionally and personally. We are committed to nurturing individuals who will make a positive impact in the beauty industry and in their communities. Our students and graduates are a testament to the power of love, care, and collaboration in creating a successful and fulfilling career.

Join us at Louisville Beauty Academy, where we transform lives through education, compassion, and a commitment to excellence. Together, we can make a difference, one client at a time.

A Thank You Note from Di Tran, Founder of Louisville Beauty Academy

As the founder of Louisville Beauty Academy, I am deeply grateful for the dedication and passion of our students, staff, and graduates. Our mission is to serve others with love and compassion, and it brings me immense happiness to see this reflected in our community.

Inspired by Stoic philosophy, I believe true happiness lies in serving others. Remember, when someone is angry with you, it often stems from their own pain and turmoil. It is not a reflection of you. Understand their struggle, pray for them, bless them with a smile, and walk away with love. As Marcus Aurelius said, “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

Thank you for being part of our family and for embodying these values in your work and life.

With gratitude,

Di Tran
Founder, Louisville Beauty Academy
Louisville Beauty Academy at Harbor House

Louisville Beauty Academy and Harbor House: A Collaboration of Purpose and Passion

In a world often driven by personal ambition and individual success, it’s rare to find collaborations that speak to the heart of community upliftment and genuine care. The partnership between the Louisville Beauty Academy (LBA) and Harbor House of Louisville Inc. is one such beacon of hope.

The inception of this collaboration was nothing short of serendipitous. A simple meeting between Maria Smith, the CEO of Harbor House of Louisville Inc., and Di Tran, the CEO of Louisville Beauty Academy LLC, led to a transformative moment for both institutions. During a tour of what was soon to be Harbor House’s old building, Di Tran was struck by a profound realization. In his own words, he remarked, “God, these people are beautiful and they are all smiling.” His observation was not just about the ambiance or the infrastructure but the palpable joy emanating from both the staff and the differently-abled residents.

As they navigated the halls, Di Tran shared with Maria, “This is like heaven on earth for me, and I feel like I want to live here.” Coming from a Catholic multi-generational background, Di Tran may not have seen himself as overtly religious. Still, he couldn’t deny the divine grace he felt within Harbor House—an environment where care providers and recipients coexisted in a harmonious blend of happiness and God-given beauty.

Maria Smith, CEO of Harbor House of Louisville and Di Tran CEO of Louisville Beauty Academy and his wife Vy Truong

Di Tran’s journey with the Louisville Beauty Academy started seven years prior with a clear and purposeful vision. He aimed to elevate the underrepresented populations, including immigrants and minorities, to attain professional status as licensed beauty practitioners in Kentucky. Specializing in fields ranging from Cosmetology and Esthetics to Nail Technology and Eyelash Extensions, Di Tran, alongside his dedicated team of instructors and staff, has celebrated the graduation of over 1,000 students. What’s even more commendable is that all these graduates are gainfully employed today.

Upon meeting the passionate team at Harbor House and experiencing the infectious joy of its residents, Di Tran was inspired by another visionary thought. He pondered: If LBA could elevate underserved communities to professional status, why not channel this expertise towards serving other marginalized groups like the differently-abled and the elderly? More so, why not extend these services to the dedicated staff that serves these communities daily?

This spark of inspiration led to the birth of a grand plan: the establishment of the Louisville Beauty Academy’s second location within Harbor House of Louisville Inc.’s new, state-of-the-art $20+ million facility. Both Maria Smith and Di Tran are exhilarated by the potential of this partnership. The blending of LBA’s professional beauty expertise with Harbor House’s ethos of care and community promises to be transformative for all involved.

The journey of this collaboration is a testament to the miracles that can occur when passion meets purpose. As Di Tran reflects and prays daily, “God blesses, that we meet, and so God blesses it to go forward.” This partnership is not just about beauty and care; it’s about community, love, and creating ripples of positive change.

P.S. Stay tuned for more updates! Exciting developments are on the horizon.