80-Hour Brush-Up Course: Essential Support for Transfer Students and Exam Preparation at Louisville Beauty Academy

Are you a transfer student from another state seeking help with your licensure examination in Kentucky? Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, is here to support you. We offer an 80-hour brush-up course for all licensing programs, assuming you already have your transfer credits (hours) recognized for programs such as cosmetology, esthetics, nail technology, shampoo styling, or instruction by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology.

How to Get Started

  1. Transfer Credits Approval: Ensure your credit hours are accepted by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. If you need assistance with the transfer process, email [email protected].
  2. Enroll in Our Brush-Up Course: Once your credits are accepted and you are instructed to take the exam, Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help. Our brush-up course is designed to meet the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology’s requirements, including the 80-hour brush-up needed for those who have failed the exam three times.

What We Offer

  • Comprehensive Theory Guidance: We provide thorough instruction to help you understand the theoretical aspects of your program.
  • Practical Training: Our equipment and hands-on training sessions are proven to prepare you for the practical portions of your exam.
  • Online Learning Platform: Access our online resources to reinforce your learning at your own pace.

Commitment to Your Success

Success at Louisville Beauty Academy starts with your commitment. Bring your “YES I CAN” mentality, and we will guide you to achieve your “I HAVE DONE IT” certificate. With our advanced training techniques and tools, we are equipped to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Us

For guidance and to enroll in our 80-hour brush-up course, reach out to the Louisville Beauty Academy enrollment department:


Bring your dedication and commitment to succeed, and we will provide the rest. Let Louisville Beauty Academy be your partner in achieving your professional goals in Kentucky’s vibrant beauty industry.

Di Tran: A Beacon of Service and Opportunity at Louisville Beauty Academy

In the heart of Kentucky, a visionary leader is redefining what it means to educate and empower the next generation. Di Tran, founder of the Louisville Beauty Academy, is a testament to the power of service and the belief in lifting others one small act at a time. Under his leadership, the academy has not only become the most affordable state-licensed beauty college in Kentucky but also a vibrant community force, embodying the spirit of “Yes, I Can” with every graduate it produces.

Di Tran’s journey is one of relentless dedication and a deep commitment to service. Having founded the Louisville Beauty Academy, Tran has been at the forefront, not just in administrative roles but personally engaging with students and the community. His presence at events, big and small, from high school career fairs to local community gatherings, shows his belief in being ‘out there’—a tangible presence igniting hope and possibilities among young minds.

Tran’s philosophy of “one lift one” permeates every aspect of the academy’s operations. He has built an environment where each student is not only seen and heard but is also taught the importance of supporting others. This approach has cultivated a nurturing atmosphere where students thrive, bolstered by the support of their peers and mentors alike.

At the Louisville Beauty Academy, education goes beyond imparting technical skills. Di Tran has instilled a “Yes, I Can” mentality, which is not just a motivational slogan but a foundational principle of the curriculum. This mindset encourages students to overcome personal and professional obstacles, fostering a culture of resilience and possibility. It’s about showing students that with the right attitude and support, they can achieve their dreams.

The culmination of this educational journey is the “I Have Done It” Certificate—a symbol of accomplishment and a testament to the hard work each graduate has invested. This certificate is more than just a piece of paper; it’s a passport to new opportunities and a reminder of what they have achieved through their perseverance and the supportive environment at the academy.

With over 1,000 alumni and counting, the Louisville Beauty Academy is a bustling hub where future beauty professionals are born. Each graduate leaves not just with skills but with a service-oriented mindset, ready to make a difference in their communities. Di Tran’s vision ensures that these graduates are not only well-prepared to excel in their careers but are also ambassadors of the academy’s core values—service, opportunity, and community engagement.

Di Tran lives and breathes the mission of the Louisville Beauty Academy. His life’s work is a powerful narrative of service, showing that with each small act of kindness and each student empowered, significant change is possible. As the academy continues to grow, its impact resonates through Kentucky and beyond, proving that when you live to serve, the possibilities are endless.

Hidden Gems in Louisville, KY: The Story of Louisville Beauty Academy

Nestled in the heart of Louisville, Kentucky, lies a remarkable institution that’s more than just a beauty college. The Louisville Beauty Academy stands as a testament to the power of dreams, empathy, and education. This State-Licensed and State-Accredited Licensing Beauty College is not just a gateway to professional licenses in Cosmetology, Nail Technology, and Aesthetic Skincare; it’s a beacon of hope and human values, guided by its extraordinary founders, Di Tran and his wife.

From Humble Beginnings to Empowering Futures

Di Tran and his wife’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Originating from simple mud huts, they have risen to become Kentucky State Licensed Pharmacists, engineers with multiple degrees, college professors, and serial small business owners. Their love for Louisville and the state of Kentucky is profound, and it’s this affection that drives their mission at the Louisville Beauty Academy.

Breaking Barriers, Fostering Dreams

The Academy’s focus is unique and deeply humane. It’s dedicated to eliminating the fears and barriers that prevent individuals from pursuing beauty licenses and, ultimately, their dreams of owning beauty salons. Thousands have graduated under this ethos, aided by incredible instructors like Crystal Beeler, who herself hails from West Louisville and understands the struggles of those in poverty.

A Sanctuary of Empathy and Understanding

What sets Louisville Beauty Academy apart is its unmatched level of empathy. The founders and staff understand, love, and respect every person and story that walks through their doors. They teach more than beauty skills; they instill human values in their students. Di Tran, with his background in computer engineering and a keen understanding of the evolving AI world, often says, “In this era of AI, only humanization in teaching truly matters.” This philosophy is the Academy’s cornerstone, fostering a nurturing environment where understanding and support are paramount.

Beyond Beauty: Teaching Values for Life

At Louisville Beauty Academy, beauty education is interwoven with lessons in humanity and compassion. Students don’t just learn the technicalities of beauty practices; they learn the importance of empathy, respect, and understanding in their professional and personal lives. As Di Tran emphasizes, it’s about “living and breathing empathy and understanding,” ensuring that each student is well-equipped for the challenges of the beauty industry and life itself.

In conclusion, the Louisville Beauty Academy is more than just a beauty school; it’s a hidden gem in Louisville, KY, radiating the power of education, empathy, and human values. It stands as a beacon for those aspiring to not only excel in the beauty industry but also to embrace and propagate the true essence of humanity.

Empowering Beauty Dreams: Louisville Beauty Academy’s Mission for Inclusive and Affordable Education

Louisville Beauty Academy, nestled in the heart of Kentucky, is more than just a beauty college; it’s a beacon of opportunity and inclusivity in the field of beauty education. This state-licensed and state-accredited institution has carved out a distinct niche for itself by making beauty education accessible and affordable, particularly for underrepresented groups.

The academy offers an array of courses covering cosmetology, nail care, skin care, and more. What sets it apart is not just the breadth of its programs, but their affordability. Louisville Beauty Academy provides these educational services at a cost that’s significantly lower than the state average, making it a financially viable option for many who might have thought beauty education was out of reach.

But it’s not just about affordable education; the academy boasts an impressive graduation rate that exceeds 95%. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the supportive environment fostered by the institution. The academy recognizes that life can sometimes throw unexpected challenges at students, potentially disrupting their educational journey. In response, it offers considerable support to those who may need to pause their education, ensuring that temporary setbacks don’t turn into permanent roadblocks.

This approach has multiple benefits. Not only does it contribute to the high graduation rate, but it also ensures that students see a strong return on their investment. By graduating a high percentage of students, the academy demonstrates its commitment to their success, both in terms of education and career prospects.

Louisville Beauty Academy stands out in the realm of beauty education for these reasons. It’s not just a place where students learn the technical skills of beauty care; it’s an institution that cares about the individual journeys of its students, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to succeed.

For those interested in exploring more about what Louisville Beauty Academy has to offer, their official website provides in-depth information about their programs, mission, and impact.

Louisville Beauty Academy: Nurturing Future Beauty Professionals in a Family-Like Environment


Louisville Beauty Academy, a prestigious institution in Kentucky, stands out as a beacon for those aspiring to make a mark in the beauty industry. Accredited and recognized for its comprehensive programs, the academy offers a range of courses, including Cosmetology, Nail Technician, Aesthetician, Blow Dry and Styling, Beauty Instructor, Eyelash Extension, and Microblading. But it’s not just the courses that make Louisville Beauty Academy exceptional; it’s the nurturing, family-like atmosphere and the unwavering support it provides to its students.

Family of Support

At the heart of Louisville Beauty Academy’s ethos is the idea of a supportive family. The academy prides itself on being more than just an educational institution; it’s a community where students, instructors, and the school director come together to foster a supportive and encouraging environment. This approach not only enhances learning but also builds a network of lasting professional relationships.

Endless Assistance and Flexible Schedules

Understanding the diverse needs of its students, the academy offers unparalleled flexibility. Whether it’s adjusting schedules to accommodate personal commitments or providing endless assistance in mastering techniques, Louisville Beauty Academy ensures that each student’s journey is as seamless as possible. This flexibility is a testament to the academy’s commitment to its students’ success.

Access to Instructors and the School Director

A unique aspect of Louisville Beauty Academy is the direct and open access students have to their instructors and the school director. This approach facilitates a timely response to queries, often just a text or email away, ensuring that students are never left in the dark. This immediate access is crucial in an industry that thrives on promptness and precision.

Licensing Support and Career Assistance

The journey to becoming a licensed beauty professional is filled with challenges and learning curves. Louisville Beauty Academy provides comprehensive support throughout this process, from preparing for licensing exams to understanding industry regulations. Moreover, the academy’s career assistance program offers guidance and support, helping students to navigate the competitive job market.

Abundance of Job Opportunities

While Louisville Beauty Academy does not guarantee job placements, it plays a pivotal role in introducing students to abundant job opportunities. Through its extensive network and industry connections, the academy keeps students informed about potential job openings and helps them in making informed career choices.


Louisville Beauty Academy goes beyond traditional education paradigms, offering a holistic and supportive environment for aspiring beauty professionals. Its focus on flexibility, accessibility, and comprehensive support prepares students not just for their exams and licenses but for a thriving career in the beauty industry. By choosing Louisville Beauty Academy, students are not just enrolling in a school; they are becoming part of a family that supports, guides, and celebrates their journey in the world of beauty.

Innovating Beauty Education: Discover the Louisville Beauty Academy Difference

Louisville Beauty Academy stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of beauty education within Kentucky, consistently earning its reputation as one of the state’s premier institutions. Here, we explore two pivotal aspects that set this academy apart: hands-on learning and flexible learning options.

Hands-On Learning: Crafting Mastery through Experience

Practical Experience: At Louisville Beauty Academy, we believe in the transformative power of hands-on learning. Students immerse themselves in real-world scenarios, honing their skills under the guidance of seasoned professionals. Our approach ensures that graduates are not just knowledgeable but are also adept and confident practitioners.

Portfolio Development: Our academy encourages students to build a comprehensive professional portfolio throughout their learning journey. This portfolio becomes a visual resume, displaying their refined skills and creative prowess to potential employers.

Expert Instructors with Real-World Experience: What truly sets us apart is our faculty of experienced instructors, many of whom have owned successful salons and have years of industry experience. A shining example is our founder, renowned for mastering the 10-minute full set acrylic application technique—a feat revered in the nail industry. Our cosmetology instructors are no different, with many still actively working in salons, ensuring that the knowledge they impart is current and relevant.

Flexible Learning Options: Tailoring Education to Your Life

Part-Time Classes and Evening Courses: Understanding the diverse needs of our students, we offer part-time classes and evening courses, ensuring that education is accessible, even for those with busy schedules or other commitments.

Online Learning and Hybrid Models: Embracing the digital age, Louisville Beauty Academy has digitized many of its processes and theoretical studies. Students have access to our online learning platform from anywhere, allowing them to delve into state exam preparation at their own pace.

Personalized Scheduling and One-on-One Instruction: Our academy takes pride in providing unparalleled flexibility. Students have the power to control their schedules, and can request one-on-one instruction as needed, ensuring a personalized and supportive learning experience.

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we are committed to providing a top-tier education that is as diverse and adaptable as our student body. Enroll today and experience the future of beauty education—where innovation meets tradition, and where every student is empowered to achieve their full potential.

Everything You Need to Know About Beauty Schools in Kentucky

The beauty industry is flourishing, and with it, the demand for well-trained professionals is on the rise. If you’re considering a career in this vibrant field, you may have a plethora of questions. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions about beauty schools in Kentucky.

How much does Cosmetology school cost in Louisville Ky?

Discover your passion at Louisville Beauty Academy, Kentucky’s most affordable gem! Tuition prices range from $1,000 to $24,000 depending on the program. We offer courses in eyelash extension, nail technology, esthetics, cosmetology, and instructor training. Thanks to our generous scholarships and flexible payment plans, your dream career is well within reach.

Can you do Cosmetology school online in Kentucky?

While online learning is gaining traction in various fields, current Kentucky law mandates onsite study for cosmetology. If you aim to obtain a state license, online study is not permissible.

How long is Cosmetology school in KY?

Your journey to becoming a beauty professional can be as short as 2 days or extend up to 9.5 months, depending on your chosen specialty. Programs range from eyelash specialty to full-fledged cosmetology courses.

How much is the Kentucky cosmetology license?

The state offers licensing at fees ranging between $25 and $100, making it affordable for budding professionals.

How do I get my cosmetology license in KY?

Embarking on this journey requires commitment. Complete the necessary training hours at a KY state-licensed school, and you’ll be set to take the state licensing exam. Passing both the theory and practical components will pave the way for your state license.

How much is hair school in KY?

Hair school costs vary, ranging between $5,000 and $24,000.

How many cosmetology hours in KY?

To become a certified cosmetologist, a 1,500-hour training is mandatory.

How to open a salon in Kentucky?

Starting your own salon is an exciting venture. Licensed nail technicians, cosmetologists, or estheticians can apply for a salon license in KY. After due inspection and approval from the KY state board of cosmetology, your salon dream can come true.

Do you have to have a license to do nails in Kentucky?

Beauty practices, including nail services, mandate a state license in Kentucky.

How old do you have to be to go to cosmetology school in KY?

Entrants must have either a high school diploma or GED. Remember, beauty schools in KY are post-secondary institutions.

What is the highest degree in beauty school?

While many think of degrees when it comes to education, beauty schools like the Louisville Beauty Academy primarily focus on state licensing requirements. However, some schools might offer degree options.

What is the best cosmetology school in the US?

While various institutions offer cosmetology programs, the Louisville Beauty Academy stands out in Kentucky. We’re proud of our commitment to affordability, flexibility, and our focus on supporting immigrants and those with limited English proficiency.

What is a beauty training school?

Think of it as a specialized post-secondary institution. Schools like the Louisville Beauty Academy focus primarily on state-approved beauty licensing programs and specialty permits.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. For detailed laws and regulations related to cosmetology in Kentucky, please visit the KY state board of cosmetology.

Louisville Beauty Academy - Happy and Safe Heaven

Louisville Beauty Academy: A Beacon of Hope, Affordability, and Inclusion

If dreams had a destination where they are nurtured and brought to fruition, it would be the Louisville Beauty Academy. Nestled in the heart of Kentucky, this school stands out not just for its commitment to excellence in beauty education, but also for its foundational belief in inclusivity and affordability.

Affordable & Flexible Beauty Education in Kentucky
The Louisville Beauty Academy proudly holds the title of being the most affordable beauty licensing school in Kentucky. However, affordability isn’t just about low costs; it’s about value. At this academy, students receive top-notch training and mentorship without burning a hole in their pockets. In an era where educational expenses often deter passionate aspirants, the academy introduces a game-changing ‘Tuition Match’ option. If you find another institution offering a more affordable price, Louisville Beauty Academy will match it. It’s their pledge to make quality beauty education accessible to all.

A Visionary’s Dream
Behind this inspiring institution is a tale of resilience and hope. Di Tran, a Vietnamese immigrant, founded Louisville Beauty Academy with a dream bigger than just beauty education. Having experienced the hardships of immigration and understanding the struggles that underrepresented populations face, Di’s vision was clear. He wanted to elevate the marginalized, especially immigrants, and help them forge their path in the beauty industry.

A Safe Haven for All
Louisville Beauty Academy is more than just a school. It’s a sanctuary. In a world that sometimes places too much emphasis on perfect English, or “fitting in,” the academy sends out a heartfelt message: “It’s okay to speak broken English, it’s okay to speak no English. It’s okay to look different.” Here, everyone is embraced for who they are, and every story, every background, and every dream is respected.

Di Tran built this academy on the ideals of comfort and inclusivity. It’s not just about equipping students with skills but also about creating an environment where they feel protected, valued, and empowered. Louisville Beauty Academy is that cocoon of safety and warmth where dreams take flight, free from the chains of prejudice.

In Conclusion
In the world of beauty education, Louisville Beauty Academy is a shining star, not just for the courses it offers but for the love, care, and inclusivity it fosters. It’s a testament to Di Tran’s vision and commitment to elevate every individual who walks through its doors. So if you’re looking to step into the world of beauty, know that there’s a place in Kentucky where your dreams will be cherished and nurtured, no matter where you come from or what language you speak.

Louisville Beauty Academy

Efficiency in Learning: The Secret Sauce of Louisville Beauty Academy’s Success

In the world of beauty and fashion, trends change with the seasons. But one thing remains constant: the need for a solid foundation of knowledge. At the heart of Louisville, Kentucky, stands a beacon of hope for many aspiring beauty professionals, the Louisville Beauty Academy (LBA). But what sets this institution apart isn’t just the expertly crafted curriculum or state-of-the-art facilities, but its commitment to optimized learning techniques.

Drawing inspiration from the transformative book, “7 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Learning Efficiency,” LBA has been able to successfully incorporate effective learning methods that center on active recall, testing, and exams as pivotal learning tools.

Why the Emphasis on Efficient Learning at LBA?

Louisville Beauty Academy serves a unique demographic. A majority of its students are immigrants, representing underprivileged populations. Many grapple with English as a foreign language, making traditional methods of learning slightly out of reach. Enter Di Tran, the founder, and CEO of LBA. His mission? To ensure that every student, regardless of their background, stands an equal chance of acing the Kentucky state licensing exam.

The Power of Practical Exams, Quizzes, and Tests

**1. Active Recall: Instead of merely consuming information, LBA encourages its students to actively retrieve it. Practical exams become more than just a test; they’re a dynamic form of learning where students recall and apply their knowledge, solidifying their skills.

**2. Regular Quizzing: Quizzes aren’t just a means to grade; at LBA, they’re powerful learning tools. Especially for students for whom English is a second language, regular quizzing in both theory and practical aspects aids in reinforcing knowledge and identifying areas that need further attention.

**3. Hands-on Testing: Given the nature of the beauty industry, LBA understands the significance of hands-on training. Regular practical tests allow students to perfect their techniques, gain confidence, and get one step closer to their dream careers.

Embracing the Dual Challenge: Theory and Practical

While the beauty industry demands practical skills, a robust theoretical foundation is equally critical. For foreign-born students, this poses a dual challenge. LBA, under Di Tran’s guidance, emphasizes both. Theory classes are tailored to be more inclusive, considering the diverse linguistic backgrounds of the students, while practical sessions ensure mastery of skills.

In Conclusion

The Louisville Beauty Academy isn’t just a beauty school. It’s a testament to the power of inclusivity, dedication, and the belief that with the right tools and methods, everyone can achieve their dreams. By incorporating efficient study techniques inspired by “7 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Learning Efficiency”, the academy ensures that its students, regardless of their background, have the best shot at success.

For anyone looking to join the beauty industry and seeking an institution that genuinely cares about its students’ success, LBA stands out as a shining example. Through its innovative methods and compassionate approach, it’s truly making a difference one student at a time.

$3,800 Limited Summer 2023 Offer: Enroll in the Nail Technology Program at Louisville Beauty Academy and Help Bridge the Technician Gap in Kentucky

In response to the growing demand for nail technicians across Kentucky, Louisville Beauty Academy (LBA) is excited to announce a unique enrollment offer for Summer 2023. We’ve created an incredible opportunity for new high school graduates and those enrolling with a friend, encouraging collaboration and mutual growth.

To address the urgent need for skilled professionals in our state’s nail salons, LBA offers this exclusive deal: enroll in our full-time Nail Technology Program for a total cost of just $3,800. This discount is available to students who pay their tuition in full and commit to full-time study.

This offer specifically targets recent high school or GED graduates, newly immigrants from all country such as Ukrain, Vietnam, Somali and more from 2022 or 2023, as well as those who enroll with a friend, regardless of when they graduated.

Our Nail Technology Program not only equips you with the skills to excel as a nail technician but also provides a comprehensive understanding of sanitation, nail care science, and salon management. By learning from seasoned professionals in state-of-the-art facilities, you’ll gain the confidence and expertise needed to thrive in the industry.

For further information about the costs, scholarships, and payment plans available, visit our website at https://louisvillebeautyacademy.net/louisville-beauty-academy-louisvillebeautyschoolcost-education-programs-courses-package-cost-scholarship-payment-plan-with-no-interest/.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at [email protected] or contact our enrollment department at 502-625-5532 via text or call.

Don’t miss this exceptional offer to jumpstart your career in nail technology, meet the industry’s needs in Kentucky, and save significantly on your tuition. Enroll today and contribute to shaping the future of the beauty industry. Remember, your education is not just about gaining skills – it’s about preparing for a vibrant and rewarding career.