Student Enrollment – Procedure and Regulation

Required Age:  

16 and above


High School Diploma or GED or Test for Adult Basic Education (Test with qualified scored)

 Legal Status:

Good moral character and temperate habit

Student Enrollment Required Documents:

  1. Social Security Card
  2. Driver License or Green Card
  3. High School Diploma or GED or Test for Adult Basic Education (Test with qualified scored) – 10th Grade Transcript

Student Enrollment Procedure:

  1. Fill Student Application
  2. Fill Student Agreement
  3. School Hour Tracking Clock Registration
  4. Provide Student Handbooks and School Regulation document
  5. Provide books and kits
  6. Explain school hours and regulation
  7. Discuss student tuition payment plan

Tuition and Fee Summary:

  1. State Board of Cosmetology of Kentucky – Student Enrollment Fee: $15
  2. Tuition Cost (50-70% OFF) – Based on course
  3. Book Cost
  4. Kit Cost
  5. Uniform Cost


Kentucky State Board – Statutes & Regulations
