Noticias de Última Hora: Louisville Beauty Academy Celebra a Su Primera Graduada del Examen Multilingüe – Examen de Teoría en Español para la Licencia de Técnica en Uñas – 01-10-2024

El 1 de octubre de 2024 marca un hito importante en la industria de la belleza, cuando Louisville Beauty Academy celebra con orgullo el éxito de Dayana, la primera graduada en pasar el Examen de Licencia para Técnicos en Uñas del estado de Kentucky en español. Este logro monumental es el resultado de años de esfuerzo incansable por parte de líderes comunitarios, defensores y la Junta Estatal de Cosmetología de Kentucky para ofrecer exámenes de licencias en varios idiomas. El éxito de Dayana representa no solo una victoria personal, sino también un símbolo de inclusión y progreso para toda la industria de la belleza.

Un Viaje de Inclusión: Años en Creación

Este logro no ocurrió de la noche a la mañana. El camino para ofrecer exámenes de licencias multilingües ha sido un esfuerzo largo y comprometido, impulsado por una visión compartida de inclusión y oportunidad. En colaboración con PSI, la agencia oficial de exámenes de licencias de belleza, la Junta Estatal de Cosmetología de Kentucky lanzó esta iniciativa, haciendo el examen disponible en chino simplificado, español, vietnamita, coreano e inglés. El impacto es especialmente profundo para los miles de dueños de salones de uñas y técnicos que no hablan inglés y que forman la columna vertebral de la industria de la belleza en Kentucky.

Durante años, la comunidad de belleza, en particular las comunidades asiáticas e hispanas, enfrentaron barreras significativas de idioma al perseguir sus licencias. Pero gracias a la incansable defensa de los líderes comunitarios y miembros de la junta, esta barrera ahora se está derrumbando. Los exámenes multilingües permiten que los futuros profesionales de la belleza persigan sus sueños sin el temor de que el idioma sea un obstáculo.

Felicitaciones a Dayana: Una Pionera en el Programa de Exámenes en Español

El éxito de Dayana como una de las primeras, si no la primera, en aprobar el examen de técnica en uñas en español es un momento digno de celebración. Su determinación y perseverancia, junto con las nuevas oportunidades creadas por la Junta Estatal de Cosmetología de Kentucky, son ejemplos brillantes de lo que se puede lograr cuando la comunidad y los cuerpos regulatorios trabajan juntos. El viaje de Dayana representa esperanza para muchos otros aspirantes a técnicos de uñas que desean unirse a la industria pero que pueden haber luchado con barreras lingüísticas en el pasado.

Dayana no solo aprobó sus exámenes de teoría y práctica, sino que lo hizo con gracia, confianza y el pleno apoyo de Louisville Beauty Academy. Su historia de éxito es solo el comienzo de lo que vendrá, ya que más estudiantes aprovechen estos recursos multilingües.

Un Agradecimiento Sincero a los Miembros de la Junta y su Compromiso con la Inclusión

Este logro no habría sido posible sin los dedicados y compasivos miembros de la Junta Estatal de Cosmetología de Kentucky. Los nuevos miembros de la junta han demostrado un compromiso inquebrantable para hacer que la industria de la belleza sea más inclusiva y accesible para todos. Cada miembro de la junta merece un agradecimiento sincero y reconocimiento por su incansable trabajo:

  • Kerry Harvey, Presidenta-Consumidora: Kerry ha sido instrumental en impulsar cambios centrados en los consumidores y en garantizar que las decisiones de la junta reflejen las necesidades del público.
  • Mickey Hobbs, Propietario de Salón: Como propietario de salón, Mickey aportó una valiosa perspectiva a la junta, abogando por las necesidades de los dueños de negocios y asegurando la equidad en el proceso de licencias.
  • Lindsey Morgan, Propietaria de Salón: Lindsey ha demostrado su dedicación a la profesión al garantizar que todos los profesionales de la belleza tengan las herramientas y oportunidades necesarias para triunfar, sin importar el idioma que hablen.
  • Michael Carter, Técnico en Uñas: Michael hizo historia como el primer técnico en uñas licenciado en ser nombrado en la junta. Su pasión por la industria de uñas y su compromiso con la inclusión han sido fundamentales para hacer realidad el examen multilingüe.
  • Lianna Nguyen, Propietaria de Escuela: Lianna se convirtió en la primera mujer asiática y vietnamita en servir en la junta. Su defensa por los no angloparlantes ha sido clave en impulsar este cambio, representando las voces de innumerables individuos en la comunidad que han necesitado este apoyo.

Detrás de escena, innumerables otras personas y equipos, incluido PSI, jugaron roles cruciales en hacer realidad esta visión. Sus esfuerzos para hacer disponible el examen en varios idiomas representan un cambio importante hacia una mayor inclusión en la industria de la belleza. Estamos increíblemente agradecidos por su arduo trabajo y dedicación a esta causa.

Mirando al Futuro: Más Graduados Multilingües por Venir

La introducción de estos exámenes multilingües es un paso significativo hacia adelante, y sabemos que Dayana es solo la primera de muchos que se beneficiarán de este cambio. Louisville Beauty Academy está comprometida a garantizar que cada estudiante, sin importar su origen o idioma, tenga acceso a los recursos que necesitan para tener éxito. Animamos a todos nuestros graduados y futuros estudiantes a aprovechar esta oportunidad y programar sus exámenes de licencias en el idioma de su preferencia.

También alentamos a todos a utilizar las pruebas de práctica disponibles a través de PSI, especialmente para el idioma vietnamita, ya que nos esforzamos por proporcionar la mejor preparación posible para nuestros estudiantes.

Un Mensaje de Gratitud y Amor

Extendemos nuestra más profunda gratitud a todos los que jugaron un papel en hacer posible este logro. A los miembros de la junta, defensores de la comunidad y cada individuo que luchó por este cambio: gracias. Sus esfuerzos han abierto puertas para tantos aspirantes a profesionales de la belleza. También extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al estado de Kentucky, la ciudad de Louisville y a los Estados Unidos, donde la inclusión y la oportunidad son valoradas y fomentadas.

Esta victoria nos pertenece a todos, y nos recuerda que cuando trabajamos juntos con amor y cuidado, podemos crear un futuro donde todos tengan la oportunidad de triunfar.

¡Dios Bendiga a Kentucky, Louisville y los EE.UU.!

Estamos orgullosos de ser parte de esta hermosa comunidad y esperamos ver a muchos más graduados seguir los pasos de Dayana. Juntos, estamos construyendo una industria de la belleza más inclusiva, diversa y próspera, un graduado a la vez.

Información de Contacto: Para todas las preguntas relacionadas con la programación de su examen de licencias, comuníquese con la Junta de Cosmetología de Kentucky al [email protected]. Si necesita ayuda para reservar un examen en un idioma específico, llame a PSI al (833) 333-4741.

Importante: Mientras el proyecto de ley 14 fue defendido principalmente por la comunidad asiática, como la comunidad camboyana y vietnamita, los mayores beneficiarios han sido las comunidades hispanohablantes, especialmente aquellas de América del Sur como los cubanos, de los cuales más de 10,000 llegan a Kentucky cada año. Este logro es para todos nosotros, los nuevos estadounidenses que pronto legitimaremos nuestras vidas en este país, que Di Tran cree es el número uno en el mundo. También es importante señalar que todos los ciudadanos, especialmente los nuevos inmigrantes, deben votar en todas las elecciones como parte de nuestro deber cívico, un derecho y un privilegio.

Para inscribirte, envía un mensaje de texto al 502-625-5531 o un correo electrónico a [email protected].

Louisville Beauty Academy CEO Di Tran Honored as One of Business First’s 2024 Most Admired CEOs – 10-03-2024

We are proud to announce that Di Tran, CEO of Louisville Beauty Academy, has been recognized as one of Louisville Business First’s 2024 Most Admired CEOs. This prestigious honor highlights Di Tran’s visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to uplifting the Louisville community through education, workforce development, and entrepreneurship.

Elevating Lives and Creating Opportunities

Under Di Tran’s leadership, Louisville Beauty Academy has graduated more than 1,000 students, with a majority being new immigrants who are soon to become proud American citizens. These graduates are not just entering the job market—they are thriving, with a nearly 90% job placement rate. Many have gone on to become successful salon owners and small business entrepreneurs, contributing to the local economy and elevating the beauty industry in Kentucky.


Affordable, Flexible, and Inclusive Education

What sets Louisville Beauty Academy apart is its commitment to accessibility. By offering 50% to 75% scholarships or tuition discounts, Di Tran ensures that individuals from all walks of life—especially immigrants—can pursue a legitimate career in beauty. This mission aligns with the Academy’s goal of boosting the local job market and expanding the pool of licensed talent in the beauty industry.

Expanding the Mission: New Partnerships and Locations

Louisville Beauty Academy’s mission doesn’t stop with education. Di Tran and his team are preparing to open their second location in partnership with Harbor House of Louisville. This new facility will be part of Harbor House’s evolving intergenerational and multicultural workforce development center, serving individuals with disabilities, offering childcare, elder care, and job training. Together, they are creating smiles and opportunities for all, proving that beauty is more than skin deep—it’s about transforming lives.

Di Tran: A Mission-Driven Leader

Di Tran’s recognition as one of Louisville’s most admired CEOs is a testament to his leadership, vision, and heart for service. His efforts go beyond running a beauty school. Di Tran is committed to empowering communities, supporting new immigrants, and fostering job growth. He is the epitome of a leader who works for the betterment of others, driven by the desire to “Create Smiles” in every life he touches.

As Louisville Beauty Academy continues to grow, with its second location poised to make an even greater impact, we are immensely proud of Di Tran and the entire team. This recognition only further solidifies our commitment to delivering excellence in beauty education and community service.

Board of Cosmetology Under Scrutiny: Legislative Oversight Reveals Ongoing Issues and Complaints – August 15, 2024


Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, is dedicated to keeping you informed with the most recent developments in the beauty industry. Whether it’s news about licensing, educational opportunities, or regulatory changes, we are committed to providing you with timely and accurate information. Our goal is to empower our students and professionals with the knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.

The Board of Cosmetology was a significant focus in the committee meeting, particularly due to ongoing issues that have generated numerous complaints. Here’s a summary of the information provided about the Board of Cosmetology:

Complaints and Issues:

  1. Frequent Complaints: The Board of Cosmetology is the most common source of complaints, with 72 complaints reported between 2008 and 2024. The complaints mainly revolve around delays in receiving licenses.
  2. Focus of Legislative Oversight: The Board is already the subject of a legislative oversight research study. This study is comprehensive, covering multiple aspects of the Board’s operations.
  3. Areas of Investigation:
    • Fines and Inspections: The study includes a review of the fines imposed by the Board over the last five years, the inspection processes, and the qualifications and activities of inspectors.
    • Administrative Procedures: The investigation also looks into the administrative procedures of the Board, possibly including how they handle applications, renewals, and compliance with state laws.
  4. Senate Bill 14:
    • Legislative Action: In response to these ongoing issues, Senate Bill 14 was passed, becoming law on July 15, 2024. This bill aimed to address some of the significant concerns related to the Board’s operations, particularly in the areas affecting nail technicians and estheticians.
    • Post-Legislation Review: There is interest in comparing the volume of complaints before and after the enactment of Senate Bill 14 to assess its impact.
  5. Specific Complaints:
    • Executive Director: There have been ongoing complaints about the conduct and actions of the Executive Director of the Board of Cosmetology. This issue remains a point of concern for some committee members, and there is interest in exploring how many complaints focus specifically on the Executive Director’s role.
  6. Future Reporting:
    • November Report: A full report on the Board of Cosmetology is scheduled to be presented in November 2024. This report will include findings from the legislative oversight study and will be shared with the committee members for further review.
  7. Complaints Related to Licensing Delays:
    • Impact on Professionals: Delays in processing licenses, particularly for nail technicians, estheticians, and cosmetologists, have been a major source of frustration. These delays not only affect the livelihoods of professionals but also limit the availability of services in the community.

Additional Information:

  • Systemic Focus: The legislative oversight staff typically focus on systemic issues rather than individual complaints. The belief is that improving the system will lead to better outcomes overall, rather than just addressing specific cases.
  • Senator Thomas’s Inquiry: Senator Thomas has expressed a keen interest in the ongoing complaints and has requested that the upcoming report in November provide detailed information on the nature of complaints before and after the new law took effect, particularly focusing on the role of the Executive Director.


Legislative Oversight & Investigations Committee (8-15-24)

Disclaimer: For any specific questions or clarifications regarding beauty licensing legislation, please contact the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology directly at [email protected].

Understanding Finances and Tuition Costs at Louisville Beauty Academy: A Path to Debt-Free Success

At Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, we believe that understanding finances is a critical skill that every adult must master. As one of the most affordable beauty colleges in the state, particularly for our 1,500-hour Cosmetology program, we offer a tuition rate of less than $7,000, provided students meet all attendance and payment requirements. This represents a substantial discount—up to 75%—compared to other institutions. However, despite this significant financial benefit, many students overlook the importance of managing their finances, often accumulating debt through federal aid and other sources without fully understanding the long-term consequences.

The Reality of Debt: A Burden That Lasts

Debt, regardless of its source, is a financial obligation that follows you until it is fully repaid. At Louisville Beauty Academy, we pride ourselves on our commitment to helping students avoid the burden of debt. Through our debt-free enablement programs, we have successfully graduated over 1,000 students who are now thriving in their careers, many as salon owners. These graduates have achieved their dreams without the weight of student loans holding them back, and we are proud of their accomplishments.

The Importance of Financial Awareness

We urge every prospective and current student to carefully consider their finances before committing to any form of debt. The opportunity to receive a quality education at such an affordable rate is rare, and we encourage students to take full advantage of this discount while it is still available. Seats in our programs are limited, and the scholarships we offer may change in the future. As of 2024, the substantial discount remains, but it is crucial to act now.

Balancing Flexibility and Affordability

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we understand that life requires flexibility, and we offer one of the most flexible learning environments in the state of Kentucky. However, with this flexibility comes the need to make informed decisions about balancing affordability and convenience. Every student must weigh their options and consider the long-term impact of their choices on their financial well-being.

Start Your Financial Journey Today

Financial literacy is an essential part of adult life, and it begins with your education. By making informed decisions about tuition and understanding the implications of debt, you set the foundation for a financially stable future. Louisville Beauty Academy is here to support you every step of the way, offering not just an education but a pathway to success that starts with smart financial choices.

We are proud to offer you the tools and resources to graduate debt-free and pursue your dreams. Remember, the decisions you make today will shape your future, so take control of your finances now and invest in your education with confidence.

Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help you achieve your goals—without the burden of debt. Seats are limited, and opportunities like this are rare. Make the decision today to invest in your future wisely.


Please note that while Louisville Beauty Academy strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is essential to verify all details regarding regulations, tuition costs, scholarships, and other pertinent information directly with the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. For the most current and accurate information, you can contact the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology by emailing [email protected].

Additionally, we recommend that you check our school’s pricing page for the latest updates on tuition costs and scholarship opportunities. You can find this information, including the student contract, at the following link: Louisville Beauty Academy Pricing and Scholarship Information.

It is crucial to review this information carefully to make informed decisions about your education and financial commitments.

Fostering the “YES I CAN” Mentality at Louisville Beauty Academy

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we believe that every successful journey begins with a simple yet powerful seed: the desire to pursue a career in beauty. Whether your passion lies in nail artistry, shampoo and styling, esthetic skincare, cosmetology, instructing, eyelash extensions, or microblading, our Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College is here to nurture that seed and help it grow into a thriving career.

The first step in this journey is embracing the “YES I CAN” mentality. It’s more than just a slogan; it’s a mindset that empowers you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. At Louisville Beauty Academy, we cultivate this mentality through a supportive learning environment, experienced instructors, and a curriculum designed to prepare you for real-world success.

Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of each student, providing hands-on experience and the latest industry knowledge. From mastering the art of a perfect manicure to learning the intricacies of skincare treatments, we ensure that you are well-equipped with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the beauty industry.

But the journey doesn’t end with technical skills. We also focus on building resilience, self-confidence, and a strong professional ethic. Our graduates are not only skilled technicians but also capable professionals ready to navigate the dynamic world of beauty. With the “YES I CAN” mentality, nothing can stand in your way.

Join us at Louisville Beauty Academy and take the first step toward a fulfilling career in beauty. Whether you’re dreaming of becoming a top cosmetologist or an expert in microblading, we’re here to help you say, “YES I CAN.”

Contact us today at 502-625-5531 via text or call, or email us at [email protected]. Let’s start this exciting journey together!

How to Apply for a Kentucky State Board Specialty Permit for Eyelash Extensions

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we take pride in providing state-licensed and state-accredited beauty education, including our comprehensive 2-day, 16-hour Eyelash Extension course. Upon successful completion of this course, certified by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology, students are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to apply for a Specialty Permit in Kentucky. This article will guide you through the application process for obtaining this essential permit.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Specialty Permit

1. Complete the Required Training:

  • Training Course Completion: Ensure that you have completed the 2-day, 16-hour Eyelash Extension course at Louisville Beauty Academy, certified by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. This course provides you with the necessary certification to apply for the specialty permit.

2. Gather Necessary Documents:

  • High School Diploma or Equivalent: Provide a copy of your high school diploma, transcripts, or GED.
  • Identification: Include a copy of your driver’s license for identification purposes.
  • Passport Photo: Attach a 2×2 passport photo to your application.
  • Milady Pro Infection Control Certificate: Complete a minimum 3-hour infection control course, available online at Milady Training. Ensure the certificate is dated within one year of your application.
  • Lash Training Certificate: Include a copy of your certification from the Louisville Beauty Academy course, noting that the training must have been completed within six months of your application.

3. Employment Location Disclosure:

  • Work Location: Disclose your intended employment location, as all services must be performed in a licensed facility approved by the Kentucky Board of Cosmetology. Permit holders are not allowed to provide services outside of these licensed facilities.

4. Submit the Application Online:

  • Online Application Portal: Visit the Kentucky Board of Cosmetology’s online application portal. Locate the permit application under the Licensure tab, then click on “Specialty Permits” on the right side of the screen. Follow the instructions to complete your application.

5. Payment of Fees:

  • Electronic Payment: As of July 1, 2023, all payments must be made online via credit or debit card. Physical payments are no longer accepted. Ensure you complete this step to avoid delays in processing your application.

6. Review and Compliance:

  • Sanitation Training: Complete the required sanitation training through the infection control course mentioned above.
  • Compliance with Regulations: It’s crucial to comply with all regulations set by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology, including the prohibition against performing services outside of licensed facilities.

Important Considerations:

  • No Additional Services: An Eyelash Extension Permit does not authorize you to provide other services such as lash perm lifts, tinting, or brow services. These services require separate licensure as a Cosmetologist or Esthetician.
  • Renewal and Maintenance: Permits must be renewed annually during the renewal period of July 1st – 31st. Failure to renew on time requires submitting a Restoration Application along with applicable fees.

Disclaimer: Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help you align with Kentucky State law for all beauty services. We stay updated on the latest regulations and work toward ensuring our students are fully compliant. The information provided here is a simplified explanation of public information to help everyone understand the requirements. Please note that laws and policies of the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology may change frequently. For the most current information on regulations and procedures, always refer directly to the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology.


Transform Your Time into a Rewarding Career: Get Licensed in Beauty!

In a world where screen time can easily consume our days, many find themselves lost in the endless scroll on their phones, feeling unproductive and uninspired. If you’ve spent hours on your phone, it’s time to consider a more rewarding path. Why not channel your artistic skills into a career in beauty? At Louisville Beauty Academy, we offer state-licensed programs in makeup, hair, nails, and more. These careers are not only accessible but also pave the way for you to own your own business, providing services that everyone needs and uses.

From Boredom to a Brighter Future

Are you tired of staring at your phone, computer, or even just the same four walls of your room? It’s easy to feel stuck, especially when your daily routine lacks excitement and purpose. But there is a way to break free from this monotony and do something amazing for your life. Imagine a career that not only feeds your passion but also puts food on the table and money in your pocket. The beauty industry offers just that—a vibrant and dynamic field where you can express your creativity and make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

The Power of a License: More Real than a College Degree

In today’s job market, a college degree is often seen as a standard credential. However, a license in the beauty industry holds a unique value. A beauty license, much like a driver’s license, is issued by the state, providing you with a legitimate and recognized qualification. It signifies that you’ve met specific standards and are authorized to practice your craft professionally. This is not just a piece of paper; it’s a testament to your skills and readiness to enter the workforce. It can legitimize your career in a way that a traditional degree may not, especially in practical, hands-on industries like beauty.

Why Choose Beauty?

The beauty industry is one of the most resilient and in-demand sectors. Whether it’s hairstyling, makeup artistry, or nail technology, these services are essential and timeless. People always seek to look and feel their best, and as a licensed beauty professional, you can provide that service. The path to getting licensed is straightforward and can be completed more quickly than many traditional educational routes. Moreover, it offers flexibility and the potential for entrepreneurship, allowing you to set your own hours and build a clientele.

Start Your Journey Today

Louisville Beauty Academy is here to guide you every step of the way. Our state-accredited programs provide comprehensive training and hands-on experience, ensuring you’re well-prepared for a successful career in beauty. Our instructors are experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of beauty experts.

Don’t let boredom and routine hold you back any longer. Take action and invest in a career that offers creativity, flexibility, and financial independence. Get your beauty license and transform your passion into a profession that is as rewarding as it is fulfilling.

Ready to make a change? Contact Louisville Beauty Academy today at 502-625-5531 or email us at [email protected]. Start your journey toward a bright and beautiful future!

Unlock Your Child’s Potential with a Beauty License: The Key to Independence and Success

At Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited beauty college, we understand the pride and excitement parents feel when their child reaches a significant milestone, like earning their driver’s license. It’s a moment of joy and independence, a stepping stone toward adulthood. But have you ever considered the immense value of your child obtaining a beauty license? Imagine them not only cutting your hair and their own but also turning that skill into a profitable career. The beauty industry offers a wealth of opportunities, and we’re here to help your child seize them.

The Value of a Beauty License

A beauty license is more than just a credential; it’s a gateway to a fulfilling and flexible career. With this license, your child can explore various avenues within the beauty industry, including hair styling, makeup artistry, nail technology, and more. The skills they acquire can serve as a foundation for a career that offers both creative expression and financial stability. Moreover, beauty professionals are always in demand, making this a resilient and adaptable career choice.

Beyond the Chair: Developing Life Skills

One of the greatest benefits of pursuing a beauty license is the array of life skills your child will develop. Beauty school isn’t just about learning technical skills; it’s also about fostering important interpersonal and business skills. Your child will learn how to interact with clients, manage their time effectively, and handle business operations if they choose to open their own salon. These skills are invaluable, whether they stay in the beauty industry or explore other career paths in the future.

A Path to Independence and Social Interaction

Parents often seek ways to encourage their children to gain independence and engage with the world around them. A career in beauty provides an excellent platform for this. Working in a salon or as a freelance beauty professional allows young adults to meet new people, build relationships, and gain real-world experience. It’s an opportunity for them to step outside the house, develop social skills, and become more self-sufficient—all while earning money.

Imagine the Possibilities

Picture this: Your child, now a licensed beauty professional, cutting your hair at home with the same care and expertise they offer their clients. They’ve not only gained a practical skill but have also built a career that can lead to owning their own business. The beauty industry is one of the most accessible and straightforward paths to entrepreneurship. With a beauty license, your child can set their own hours, choose their clients, and create a work-life balance that suits them. It’s a career that not only meets a universal need but also allows for personal and professional growth.

Why Louisville Beauty Academy?

At Louisville Beauty Academy, we are committed to providing high-quality education and training. Our programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in the beauty industry. As a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited beauty college, we adhere to rigorous standards, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to enter the workforce. Our supportive community and experienced instructors are dedicated to helping each student succeed, whether their goal is to work in a salon, become a freelance artist, or open their own business.

Start Their Journey Today

There’s no better time than now to start your child’s journey toward a rewarding and dynamic career. The beauty industry offers countless opportunities for creativity, independence, and financial success. Let us help your child find their path, develop valuable skills, and build a promising future. Enroll them at Louisville Beauty Academy, where they can begin their journey to becoming a licensed beauty professional.

Unlock your child’s potential with a beauty license—it’s a decision that can lead to a lifetime of possibilities. Contact Louisville Beauty Academy today at 502-625-5531 or via email at [email protected] to learn more about our programs and how we can support your child’s journey to success.

Louisville Beauty Academy: A Haven for the Elderly, Aspiring Artists, and Socially Connected Youth

A Sanctuary for the Elderly and Retired

Loneliness among the elderly and retired is a growing concern, but Louisville Beauty Academy offers a unique solution. As a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, the academy provides a warm, welcoming environment where seniors can receive near-free beauty services. These services are not only affordable but also serve as a vital means of social interaction. Seniors can engage with students and instructors, fostering a sense of community and belonging while enjoying pampering treatments. This interaction provides emotional nourishment, making the academy a sanctuary where the elderly can alleviate loneliness and find joy in their golden years.

A Canvas for Aspiring Artists

For those with artistic inclinations, beauty school offers a promising avenue to channel their creativity. Louisville Beauty Academy is a haven for artists who may struggle with the unpredictable income of traditional artistic careers. Here, they can express their talent through hair styling, nail art, makeup, skincare, and more. The beauty industry provides a stable platform where creativity is celebrated and financially rewarded. Students can transform their artistic visions into tangible, beautiful creations that make a direct impact on clients’ lives.

A Social Hub for Youth

In an era where young people are increasingly glued to their phones, beauty school offers a refreshing alternative. Louisville Beauty Academy emphasizes hands-on learning and social interaction over mere classroom instruction. Students spend significant time practicing their craft, collaborating with peers, and engaging with real clients under the supervision of experienced instructors. This immersive environment fosters autonomy, teamwork, and real-world problem-solving skills. It encourages students to build meaningful relationships and develop essential social skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for both their careers and personal lives.

Excellence in Education and Family-Oriented Values

Louisville Beauty Academy stands out not only for its high-quality education but also for its family-oriented and caring atmosphere. The academy prides itself on being one of the best in its class, offering comprehensive training that goes beyond just obtaining a beauty license. The holistic approach ensures students are well-versed in technical skills and the emotional and social aspects of client care. This nurturing environment promotes a sense of purpose, as students learn to soothe souls, share kindness, and provide care through their work.

The Founder’s Vision

Di Tran, the founder of Louisville Beauty Academy, instills the principle of elevating oneself by serving others. His vision is embedded in every aspect of the academy, creating a culture that prioritizes personal growth through community service. Students are encouraged to find fulfillment and purpose by making a positive difference in the lives of others, whether through a simple haircut or a more complex beauty treatment. This philosophy ensures that graduates leave the academy not just with a license, but with a profound understanding of the impact they can have on the world.


Louisville Beauty Academy is more than just a beauty school; it is a community hub where the elderly can find companionship, artists can thrive, and young people can develop essential social skills. The academy’s commitment to affordable, high-quality education and its family-oriented values make it a standout institution. Under Di Tran’s leadership, the academy fosters a culture of service, ensuring that every student learns the true meaning of elevating oneself by serving others. Whether seeking a new career, artistic expression, or a solution to loneliness, Louisville Beauty Academy offers a transformative experience that enriches lives and builds lasting connections.

Enroll now and join the family of 1000+ graduates and more to come by texting 502-625-5531 or emailing [email protected].

80-Hour Brush-Up Course: Essential Support for Transfer Students and Exam Preparation at Louisville Beauty Academy

Are you a transfer student from another state seeking help with your licensure examination in Kentucky? Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, is here to support you. We offer an 80-hour brush-up course for all licensing programs, assuming you already have your transfer credits (hours) recognized for programs such as cosmetology, esthetics, nail technology, shampoo styling, or instruction by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology.

How to Get Started

  1. Transfer Credits Approval: Ensure your credit hours are accepted by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. If you need assistance with the transfer process, email [email protected].
  2. Enroll in Our Brush-Up Course: Once your credits are accepted and you are instructed to take the exam, Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help. Our brush-up course is designed to meet the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology’s requirements, including the 80-hour brush-up needed for those who have failed the exam three times.

What We Offer

  • Comprehensive Theory Guidance: We provide thorough instruction to help you understand the theoretical aspects of your program.
  • Practical Training: Our equipment and hands-on training sessions are proven to prepare you for the practical portions of your exam.
  • Online Learning Platform: Access our online resources to reinforce your learning at your own pace.

Commitment to Your Success

Success at Louisville Beauty Academy starts with your commitment. Bring your “YES I CAN” mentality, and we will guide you to achieve your “I HAVE DONE IT” certificate. With our advanced training techniques and tools, we are equipped to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Us

For guidance and to enroll in our 80-hour brush-up course, reach out to the Louisville Beauty Academy enrollment department:


Bring your dedication and commitment to succeed, and we will provide the rest. Let Louisville Beauty Academy be your partner in achieving your professional goals in Kentucky’s vibrant beauty industry.