80-Hour Brush-Up Course: Essential Support for Transfer Students and Exam Preparation at Louisville Beauty Academy

Are you a transfer student from another state seeking help with your licensure examination in Kentucky? Louisville Beauty Academy, a Kentucky State-Licensed and State-Accredited Beauty College, is here to support you. We offer an 80-hour brush-up course for all licensing programs, assuming you already have your transfer credits (hours) recognized for programs such as cosmetology, esthetics, nail technology, shampoo styling, or instruction by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology.

How to Get Started

  1. Transfer Credits Approval: Ensure your credit hours are accepted by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. If you need assistance with the transfer process, email [email protected].
  2. Enroll in Our Brush-Up Course: Once your credits are accepted and you are instructed to take the exam, Louisville Beauty Academy is here to help. Our brush-up course is designed to meet the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology’s requirements, including the 80-hour brush-up needed for those who have failed the exam three times.

What We Offer

  • Comprehensive Theory Guidance: We provide thorough instruction to help you understand the theoretical aspects of your program.
  • Practical Training: Our equipment and hands-on training sessions are proven to prepare you for the practical portions of your exam.
  • Online Learning Platform: Access our online resources to reinforce your learning at your own pace.

Commitment to Your Success

Success at Louisville Beauty Academy starts with your commitment. Bring your “YES I CAN” mentality, and we will guide you to achieve your “I HAVE DONE IT” certificate. With our advanced training techniques and tools, we are equipped to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Us

For guidance and to enroll in our 80-hour brush-up course, reach out to the Louisville Beauty Academy enrollment department:


Bring your dedication and commitment to succeed, and we will provide the rest. Let Louisville Beauty Academy be your partner in achieving your professional goals in Kentucky’s vibrant beauty industry.

Louisville Beauty Academy

Changing Licenses or Careers in the Beauty Industry: Regulations and Credit Hour Requirements in Kentucky

Beauty professionals looking to change their license or career within the industry face a set of regulations and credit hour requirements set by the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology. These regulations determine the amount of credit hours that can be transferred between different disciplines, such as cosmetology, esthetics, shampoo styling, or nail technology.

In order to transfer valid hours from one licensed school to another, beauty professionals must complete and submit the Program Hour Transfer Request form. However, there are exceptions to the transfer of hours from one discipline to another.

  • Transfer of a current esthetics license shall credit the transferee no more than 400 hours in a cosmetology program;
  • Transfer of a current nail technologist license shall credit the transferee no more than 200 hours in a cosmetology program;
  • Transfer of a current shampoo styling license shall credit the transferee no more than 300 hours in a cosmetology program; or
  • Transfer of a current barber license shall credit the transferee no more than 750 hours in a cosmetology program.
  • Credit hours transferred pursuant to this section shall only take effect upon the transferee’s completion of the remaining hours necessary to complete a cosmetology program.

It is important to note that the credit hours transferred will only take effect once the transferee has completed the remaining hours necessary to complete a cosmetology program.

In conclusion, the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology regulates the transfer of credit hours for beauty professionals looking to change their license or career within the industry. These regulations help ensure that beauty professionals have the necessary training and experience to provide quality services to their clients.



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