Licensed Skincare Specialist – Beauty Esthetician and Medical Aesthetician – The Same 750 hours Required by KY State and Same License Granted by KY State Board of Cosmetology and Hairdresser
Some of us at one point Googling the skincare training program or skincare training institute and encounter these two words: 1- Esthetic and 2- Aesthetic. Matter of fact, when you google esthetic, the term aesthetic comes up with its definition. Schools across the United State have programs and courses in regard to the specific of Esthetic and/or Aesthetic. So what is Esthetic and what is Aesthetic? What are the differences between Esthetic and Aesthetic?
Similarity Between Esthetic and Aesthetic

- Similarity Between Beauty Esthetic and Medical Aesthetic
- Esthetic and Aesthetic are the SAME in the definition of Oxford Languages. Both words can be used interchangeably as they both means or refers to the appreciation of beauty, and a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “aesthetics also esthetics” comes together as one.
- Esthetician and aesthetician are the SAME; both licensed skin specialists who are trained the state-required 750 hours by the licensed school such as Louisville Beauty Academy, regulated and license examined by the same licensing board – Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology and Hairdressers.
Differences Between Esthetic and Aesthetic
- Differences Between Beauty Esthetic and Medical Aesthetic
- Esthetic and Aesthetic are the DIFFERENT in an extra ‘A’ at the beginning. This is similar to the word color and colour. Esthetic is used in American-English language while aesthetics is used in British-English language.
- Esthetic and Aesthetic are the DIFFERENT in skincare career work environment context. Esthetician and aesthetician (same licensed skincare specialists) are both licensed after study the same 750 hours at licensed school such as Louisville Beauty Academy, he/she can determine the career focus where he/she want to work at:
- Salon Context (skincare and beauty salon)
- This licensed skincare specialist is BRANDED as Esthetician
- He/she can take continuing education or training in salon focus skill/specialty for salon/beauty care
- Medical context (doctor office)
- This licensed skincare specialist is BRANDED as Aesthetician or medical aesthetician
- He/she can take continuing education or training in medical focus skill/specialty for medical/health care
- Salon Context (skincare and beauty salon)

According to
Beauty esthetician, traditional esthetician and licensed skincare specialist have the following job description:
- State license estheticians such as KY State Board of Cosmetology and Hairdressers license esthetician
- Conduct skin analysis for health problems and temporarily remove hair.
- Clean skin through skin massage, aromatherapy, facials, and skin exfoliation
- Focus in cosmetic such as makeup, skincare product recommendation based on skin type
- Business tends to be in salons, resorts, fitness clubs and spas environment
Aesthetician, medical aesthetician and licensed skincare specialist in the medical context have the following job description:
- State license estheticians such as KY State Board of Cosmetology and Hairdressers license esthetician
- Known as clinical or paramedical aestheticians who are often taking additional continue education with a clinical focus.
- Conduct skin analysis with medical conditions such as burn victims, cancer patients, and health-related skin issues.
- Cleanse and moisturize their skin and also do some cosmetic work like a beauty esthetician
Beauty Esthetician and Medical Aesthetician Always Overlap
There are overlaps between beauty esthetician and medical esthetician because they are required to be trained, regulated, and licensed by the same licensed school such as Louisville Beauty Academy and KY state board of Cosmetology and Hairdressers. The difference is in focus, work environment, and definitely in salary.
In regard to salary, anything that relates to medical tends to stand out as it requires more education and training. Medical fields are also more strictly regulated, therefore medical aesthetician often only works under directly sponsor or supervision of a medical doctor; which it also means salary is often more at the start for medical aesthetician versus beauty esthetician. With that said, beauty industry especially the skincare beauty industry is in the range of $148 Billion in 2020, and it continues to go up according to Beauty small business is also quite lucrative and debatably easier than other industries to start. So, salary is debatable for who can make more than who between beauty estheticians and medical aestheticians.
Aesthetic | Definition of Aesthetic by Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2020, from
Cestar College. (2016, May 2). What’s The Difference Between Esthetics And Aesthetics? Cestar College. (n.d.). Esthetic | Definition of Esthetic at Retrieved July 30, 2020, from
Difference Between Aesthetics and Esthetics | Difference Between. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2020, from
Kentucky Esthetician Schools: Listings & License Info. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2020, from
Skin care industry: Global skincare market size 2012-2025. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved July 30, 2020, from
What’s the Difference Between an Aesthetician and Esthetician? (n.d.). Study.Com. Retrieved July 30, 2020, from